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Arrestation dans un aéroport britannique d'un homme soupçonné de préparer un attentat

Menaces d'attentat: arrestation dans un aéroport britannique
Passengers disembark buses next to an arrivals sign at London Stansted Airport, operated by Manchester Airports Group (MAG), in Stansted, U.K., on Friday, Oct. 28, 2016. Ryanair Holdings Plc, Europe's biggest discount carrier, said the expansion of U.K. capacity is welcome but that the government should also have backed the expansion of Gatwick and its own base at London Stansted to meet travel demand for decades to come. Photographer: Chris Ratcliffe/Bloomberg via Getty Images
Bloomberg via Getty Images
Passengers disembark buses next to an arrivals sign at London Stansted Airport, operated by Manchester Airports Group (MAG), in Stansted, U.K., on Friday, Oct. 28, 2016. Ryanair Holdings Plc, Europe's biggest discount carrier, said the expansion of U.K. capacity is welcome but that the government should also have backed the expansion of Gatwick and its own base at London Stansted to meet travel demand for decades to come. Photographer: Chris Ratcliffe/Bloomberg via Getty Images

Les forces antiterroristes britanniques ont intercepté hier un homme de 44 ans à l'aéroport Gatwick à sa sortie d'un vol en provenance d'Irak.

Selon le renseignement britannique, cet homme préparait un attentat terroriste, rapportent les médias britanniques.


Dégradation de biens publics

Le terrorisme n'est pas uniquement Daech

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