Cet article fait partie des archives en ligne du HuffPost Québec, qui a fermé ses portes en 2021.

Arrêtez de rêver devant les photos avant/après de régime, la démonstration implacable de cette blogueuse

Arrêtez de rêver devant les photos avant/après de régime, la démonstration implacable de cette blogueuse

Sur Instagram, tout le monde a l'air parfait. Pas de vergetures, pas de bourrelets, une taille de guêpe... Et si tout cela ne tenait qu'à un collant? Sur son compte (@selfloveclubb), Milly Smith, 23 ans, montre que selon la façon dont on le porte, il est aisé de duper ses followers.

Regardez bien la photo ci-dessous, postée le 29 janvier. Il s'agit de cette étudiante en soins infirmiers dans les deux cas. À gauche, elle porte son collant au-dessus du nombril et se tient bien droite, un peu de profil. À droite, elle a baissé son collant et regarde droit vers l'objectif.

"Même fille, même jour, même moment", écrit-elle. "Pas d'avant, pas d'après. Pas de transformation liée à une perte de poids. Pas de publicité pour un régime. Je me sens bien dans mon corps dans les deux cas. L'un n'est ni plus ni moins digne que l'autre. Aucun des deux ne fait de moi un moindre être humain (...) Ne comparez pas. Vivez pour vous. Personne sur cette planète n'est comme vous et c'est juste génial, n'est-ce pas? Le monde n'a pas besoin d'une autre copie, il a besoin de vous. Vous êtes digne, bon et puissant."

Milly Smith n'en est pas à son premier coup d'essai. Elle poste régulièrement ce genre d'images.

I've started to see beauty in things I was taught not to. ❤️ I see beauty in a genuine smile. I see beauty in wrinkles and laugh marks. I see beauty in raw unedited images. I see beauty in tummy rolls and back rolls. I see beauty in scars and stretch marks. I see beauty in blemishes and blotchy skin. I see beauty in fat, slim, able bodied, disabled, dark skin, transgender. I see beauty in not so perky boobs, scarred boobs, stretch marked boobs. I see beauty in cellulite, hair, smooth skin, bumpy skin. I see beauty in eyes, I see beauty in words, beauty in language and beauty in voices. ❤️ I realise how long I've been blinded to the beauty in the world, the beauty of myself. We've been taught to see certain things as undesirable- we weren't born that way so I fully believe we can learn to think otherwise and see the true beauty in the world once again. ❤ Ignorance, health as propaganda, being a media driven society and stupid beauty ideals/standards have taken away our ability to see beauty in ourselves and others- it doesn't have to be that way- it really doesn't. ❤️ Every woman marching today has filled me with pride and humbled me to my core. Not a single one of them looks the same, not a single one of them is unworthy of love, they are all unique; beautifully different and perfectly 'flawed'. I stand with women all over the world- we are valid, worthy and powerful beyond measure. ❤️

A photo posted by Milly Smith 💛🌻☀️👑 (@selfloveclubb) on

Just a same girl, same day, different pose reminder that our bodies look different in different angles and that it's perfectly ok, normal and natural. You don't need to look like anybody else but YOU ❤ 💛 I get asked a lot recently how to start a Bopo insta page as they want confidence. I often come up with nothing because I'm not entirely sure I understand. 💛 Are they asking me how to get started on a journey to self love or just how to start an insta page to get justification that their body is worthy in hope it will bring them self love? 💛 Before I put my photos and words out onto Instagram I started my journey to self love with myself; I mean it's still a very personal journey but I want to share it now and help others too. I took photos and wrote down love notes to my body without showing them to a soul- it was just for my soul and my mind. 💛 Starting an insta page could help you on your journey of course but your motives are what's important- know what they are before starting is my advice. Maybe do it off social media first and get a feel for your journey and what works/doesn't work for you and do it for YOU. Do it for your soul. Your follower count doesn't matter or make you more or less worthy. 10,000 people telling you your pretty wont bring about self love either. It's so much more than that and it starts deep inside yourself not with your aesthetics. Bopo isn't a 'trend'. 💛 It's not about how many you can impress, you need to be impressing yourself. Make yourself proud.

A photo posted by Milly Smith 💛🌻☀️👑 (@selfloveclubb) on

Elle n'est pas la seule à vouloir montrer sur Instagram que tout est une question de perspective. Récemment, un professionnel du fitness Anna Victoria a elle-même partagé un post honnête de son corps.

Kate Dillon

Les mannequins dits "taille plus" stars


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