
Adam Gardner

Co-Director; Co-Founder, REVERB and Guster guitarist/singer

Adam keeps himself busy with two full-time jobs: Guster guitarist and Reverb Co-Director. Pre-Reverb, he lamented the fact that despite living an earth-friendly lifestyle at home, his band's tours left a big not-so-eco-friendly footprint. He knew many other artists felt the same way, so he reached out to his friends and peers in the music world and found resources (thanks Bonnie Raitt!) and guinea pigs (thanks Barenaked Ladies!) as Reverb figured out how to make touring – and the music industry in general – greener.

As the Reverb "music guy," Adam spends much of his time working with bands, managers, and various entities in the music industry. He also tends to talk a lot; he recently had the honor of testifying to Congress about sustainable biodiesel, and was a keynote speaker at Powershift '09.

Adam grew up in New Jersey in "the garden part of the Garden State," exploring the woods and discovering what he was sure were ancient arrowheads. He left home for Tufts University, earning a B.S. in Psychology and thinking it didn't really matter which college he went to, only to meet both his wife and fellow band mates there.