
Chris Herd

Maverick: A person who pursues rebellious disruptive ideas. An unorthodox, unconventional non-conformist.

I am relentlessly in pursuit of fresh opportunities and means to revolutionise entire industries through innovation and technology. My disruptive approach sees me continuously seek to unsettle the established order of things, instilling a fresh approach which invariably leads to the revelation and pursuit of new prospects. My Architectural background has instilled in me a design orientated way of thinking, which I have found to be increasingly valued within a business environment, differentiating me from my peers by enabling me to view and tackle problems in more creative ways. Ultimately through my approach, I develop innovative solutions to complex problems whereby facilitating growth. Through marketing techniques utilising creativity, analytical thinking, and social metrics I have successfully exposed companies to an international audience that was never previously considered. I have experience of both international expansion and launching a new product across an entire nation. I have an innate burning desire to excel in everything I do, constantly endeavouring to exceed my own expectations as well as those placed upon me by others. I possess an unabating belief that I will create and lead a company which revolutionises an entire industry capitalising on an opportunity through the introduction of a product or service with perfect market fit leading to a paradigm shift. I am perpetually in a state of personal development in order to equip myself with the skills required to attain such goals. If I don’t possess the skills necessary to achieve my aims I acquire them and regularly do so through the undertaking of continuous professional development. I’m fascinated by technology, the peer-to-peer economy & startups and enjoy meeting like-minded people. Feel free to contact me at