
Dan Nessel

Father, Husband, Boy Trapped in A Man’s Body, Lover of Equality, Hater of Stereotypes, Enjoys Venturing Into the Unknown

Dan Nessel is the Founder and Editor-in-Chief of DadDoes.Com, a leading product review site for parents. Mr. Nessel has performed hands-on reviews on over 1,000 gadgets, toys and gizmos over the last four years and his product reviews have received over 77 million views on YouTube. When he is not playing with toys, Mr. Nessel writes about his experiences as a parent and hopes his children will be successful in their attempt to raise a mostly functional and decent Dad. Mr. Nessel, a boy trapped in a man’s body, has been a guest on numerous radio shows, writes a national column called Toys N Tech, has been featured in news articles and most importantly, never gets tired of playing with toys and gadgets.