
Deborah Gale

Ageing aficionado

Gerontologist, ageing aficionado, Apple Computer veteran, journalist and radio broadcaster. Interests lie in the demographic transition underway and the potential to optimise the contribution of older people. This cohort is currently navigating the lengthening transition between midlife and old age and their evolving remit is vast. First, innovation is not the exclusive purview of the young. Next, the talent pool presently residing in the members of the "experienced economy" can no longer be ignored. Finally, the nurturing of inter-generational relationships are fundamental because they represent the connective tissue of the future. Shifting the narrative to design a world where age does not matter will demand confidence, product innovation, disruption to our entrenched socio-cultural inclinations, bolder policies and greater expectations for the governance and behaviour of established institutions. Fortunately, these are all under intense scrutiny at present.