
Eva Gómez, MSN RN-BC CPN

Healthcare provider, heart disease survivor, American Heart Association volunteer.

Eva Gómez, MSN RN CPN is a national spokesperson for the American Heart Association’s Go Red For Women movement and its sister cause, the Go Red Por Tu Corazón movement. The American Heart Association’s Go Red Por Tu Corazón is a bilingual heart-health movement for Latinas that is dedicated to raising awareness of heart disease – the No. 1 killer of Latina women. Go Red Por Tu Corazón promotes a heart-healthy lifestyle, through healthy eating and physical activity, building on Latinas strong ties to family and cultural traditions. As the sister cause of Go Red For Women, Go Red Por Tu Corazón has already inspired Hispanic women nationwide to begin to take care of their hearts.

Eva lives in Boston, Mass., and is an outstanding AHA volunteer. She works as a staff development specialist at Children’s Hospital in Boston.