

Independent Global Reporting

GroundReport is a global news platform that combines digital reporting tools, a hierarchical journalism workflow and a selective reporter network of over 7,000 contributors to power insightful, on-the-ground news coverage.

GroundReport strives to provide local, insightful perspectives on world events that you won't find anywhere else, faster and with more depth than the mainstream media.

From journalism students to nonprofits, our reporters submit articles, photos or videos of news events to GroundReport, which are vetted by our Editorial Staff prior to publication. Content Partners with Verified status bypass the submission queue, publishing instantly to an audience of millions through our site and syndication partners.

The result is revolutionary reporting. Selected highlights from GroundReport's original coverage include Video of Tibetan Protests at 2008 Beijing Olympics, life-saving reporting on Domestic Abuse in Afghanistan, hundreds of Local Updates on Mumbai Terrorist Attacks and photos from the Iranian Election Protests.

Named one of America's 'most promising social enterprises' by BusinessWeek in 2009, and a Top 15 "Doer" by Hewlett-Packard and The Huffington Post, GroundReport's mission is to democratize the media. GroundReport was founded in 2006 by Rachel Sterne, inspired by her experience reporting on the United Nations Security Council.

On GroundReport there are no barriers to reporting smart, sophisticated news, which means GroundReport coverage is faster, deeper and more global. Join GroundReport today to win reporting grants, gain an instant audience of millions, and build your portfolio.

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