
David W. Weaver

Blogger, Expat, Online Marketing Manager

I was born and raised in San Jose, California. I attended San Jose State University and earned my Bachelor’s Degree in business administration with a concentration in marketing. In 2009, I decided together with my wife to move to Germany and live the expat life. I completed my Master’s Degree in International Business Management at the University of Applied Sciences in Osnabrück, Germany. For my master’s thesis, I conducted a significant amount of research in the field of behavioral economics as I assessed the feasibility of the Pay What You Want pricing mechanism. The first few years of my career were spent in retail, an experience that provided me with significant insight on the ins and outs of customer service. I have spent the past several years developing a best practice online marketing strategy. In my current role as online marketing manager, I developed a passion for all things blogging and social media.