
Karin Lindner

Founder, KARICO

Karin Lindner is a business college graduate from Austria. After moving to Canada in 2003, she was hired by Magna International. That's where she discovered her passion for working with people from the production floor to the executive suite. Karin enjoys exploring the road less traveled and specializes in employee engagement and motivation for manufacturing companies that strive to stand out rather than fit in.

After being laid off due to restructuring at the end of 2006, she opted to tap into her creativity and resourcefulness by starting her own business. Two years ago, she posed this question on LinkedIn: "How can we make manufacturing sexy?" Over 450 people who have a vested interest in this vital industry responded. That's when Karin knew she had to share her unconventional insights and observations in a book.

As a trainer, facilitator, coach and inspirational speaker, Karin’s goal is to reach progressive people in the manufacturing sector and to create awareness among the general public. Parents, young adults, educators, guidance counselors and countless others must be made aware of the incredibleopportunities that exist in the manufacturing industry – an industry that is critical to the wealth and prosperity of North America.

Make sure to check out her book "How Can We Make Manufacturing Sexy? A Mindset of Passion and Purpose from the Production Floor to the Executive Suite."