
Lesley Foreman

Mother, partner, friend, Psychotherapist, cancer warrior (hate the word survivor), amateur, but passionate home cook/foodie.

In the last 2 years every domain of my life has shifted. On October 15, 2013, I was diagnosed with stage 3 ovarian cancer. From that day on, my role as a mother and sense of self has been shifting, as I am 1 year away from becoming an empty nester. My choice to be in a 10 year hippie love relationship with my boyfriend is getting more curious about marriage. As a Psychotherapist, the clients that are seeking me out are eerily, the one's I need to learn from the most. To go further down the woo woo trail, I am asking the giant esoteric questions like, What do I want the rest of my life to look like? How do I want to be remembered? Did I accomplish anything while I have been here. So, me and my bio are shapeshifting every day. I guess I will have to update it soon.

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