
Lee Buckler

President, CEO and Director @ Replicel Life Sciences

Lee Buckler is President and CEO of RepliCel Life Science, Inc. Lee has been an executive in the cell therapy biotechnology sector since 2000 beginning with Malachite Management in the Stem Cell Technologies group of companies during which time he also served as Executive Director of the International Society for Cellular Therapy. He then served two years as Director of Business Development for Progenitor Cell Therapy (PCT, now part of Caladrius Biosciences). Between 2008 and 2014 he consulted through the Cell Therapy Group for a wide variety of biotech, pharma, tools, service and investment firms after which he first joined RepliCel as Vice President of Business Development. Lee has a Bachelor's Degree in Education and a Law Degree. He is on the editorial advisory boards of the journal Regenerative Medicine and the BioProcess International magazine. Lee co-founded Cell Therapy News, founded Cell Therapy Blog, founded and continues to manage the LinkedIn Cell Therapy Industry Group, and is an active industry commentator in publications and in social media. Mr. Buckler also serves an advisory board member for MedCision and RoosterBio.