
Michael Adams

Chief Executive Officer, SAGE

Under Michael's leadership, the scope of SAGE's work on behalf of LGBT older people has grown tremendously and SAGE has become the national "go to" organization on LGBT aging issues. With the LGBT community reflecting broader demographic trends and an aging population, Michael recognizes that he must use his expertise, passion and heart to build an even more impactful approach that can improve opportunities and qualities of life for millions of LGBT older people across the country. Whether it's calling for federal policy change via the White House Conference on Aging, insisting that senior housing providers treat LGBT elders fairly through SAGE's national LGBT elder housing initiative, or championing an aggressive drive to ensure that "SAGE age" LGBT people have the services and information and products they need to age successfully, Michael is pushing the envelope with his leadership. Michael sees diverse elder communities as SAGE's key partners in the transformation of the aging sector to embrace all older people across the nation. He wants to help the LGBT community honor our LGBT elder pioneers and talk much more frequently and openly about what it means to age successfully.