
Mugambi Jouet

Stanford Law School

An author specialized on American society, Mugambi Jouet is Thomas C. Grey Fellow at Stanford Law School. His book, Exceptional America: What Divides Americans From the World and From Each Other, explores unique features of the United States in various areas, including law, politics, religion, the "culture wars," economics, criminal justice, and foreign policy. The book also analyzes how the extraordinary polarization of conservative and liberal America during the Obama years contributed to the rise of Donald Trump.

In addition to The Huff Post, his articles have been featured in Mother Jones, Slate, The New Republic, The San Francisco Chronicle, Salon, Guernica Magazine, The Hill, Truthout, Le Monde, Le Nouvel Observateur, Libération, and academic journals. He has been interviewed multiple times as a guest expert on the international TV station France 24, as well as on French national public radio and Radio Canada. His publications and newsletter are available at