
Nobuo Hayashi

Visiting Lecturer, UN Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute

Nobuo Hayashi specialises in international humanitarian law, international criminal law, and public international law. He has over eighteen years’ experience in these areas, performing advanced research, publishing and editing scholarly works, authoring court submissions, advising international prosecutors, and speaking at academic and diplomatic conferences. His most significant works cover military necessity, threat of force, and the law and ethics of nuclear weapons. He also regularly teaches at defence academies, Red Cross conferences and professional workshops, as well as university faculties of law, political science, and peace and security studies. He trains commissioned officers, military lawyers, judges, prosecutors, defence counsel, diplomats and other government officials, humanitarian relief specialists, and NGO representatives from all over the world. Major positions held: Visiting Lecturer, UN Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute, Turin, Italy (2007-present); Senior Legal Advisor, International Law and Policy Institute (2012-2016); Researcher, PluriCourts, University of Oslo Law Faculty (2014-2016); Visiting Professor, International University of Japan (2005-2015); Researcher, Peace Research Institute Oslo (2008-2012); Legal Advisor, Norwegian Centre for Human Rights (2006-2008); Legal Officer, Prosecutions Division, Office of the Prosecutor (OTP), International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia (ICTY) (2004-2006); and Associate Legal Officer, ICTY OTP Legal Advisory Section (2000-2003).