
Tracy Wilson

Emmy winner who's Writing Life and reaching hearts. She writes about underdogs and finding the extraordinary in ordinary life. After writing thousands of scripts, Tracy is working on her first book. Join her: or

Tracy spent a couple decades working in TV, hanging out on NFL sidelines doing Monday Night Football, reporting for network affiliates, freelancing for HGTV, and hosting what was one of the top rated local morning TV shows in the U.S. The Emmy and Cine Golden Eagle winner now writes to inspire on her website and she's also working on a book about an incredible Underdog story that will make you believe anything is possible. Being a lover of the written and spoken word, Tracy does voice overs and speaks about her experiences in accumulating decades of life lessons as an observer of humanity. Her website features thoughtful, inspiring and motivating posts that she calls Writing Life. She'd love you to come by, say hi, and get a big dose of positive energy to get you through the day.