10 Halloween Costumes Inspired by Your SAT and ACT Prep

Square root: Put on a sweatshirt, any sweatshirt. Use duct tape to affix four root vegetables (I like carrots because they are orange, but feel free to take some liberty here) in the shape of a square.
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Halloween is approaching, and you've been so busy with schoolwork, activities, and test prep that you haven't even begun to think about what to wear to your friend's Halloween party.

Don't worry. I've got you covered.

Here are my top 10 Halloween costumes inspired by your test prep.

Wear one of these, and you will be the envy of students from miles around.

1. Pumpkin "pi"

Take an orange sweatshirt and use a permanent marker to draw a big "∏" (pi sign) on it. Draw the outline of a pumpkin around the pi.

2. An imaginary number

Dress in all black. When people ask why you are dressed that way, tell them that they can't see your actual costume because it is an imaginary number.

3. A sentence fragment

Find a skeleton outfit and, using the same permanent marker your friend used to draw the pi, draw a bunch of jagged lines in the bones, signifying breaks in structure! Bonus points if, as you talk with people, your sentences lack a subject, predicate, or complete thought!

4. A square root

Put on a sweatshirt, any sweatshirt. Use duct tape to affix four root vegetables (I like carrots because they are orange, but feel free to take some liberty here) in the shape of a square.

5. A book

You already have a spine and are filled with words! Wear whatever you want! (Though, a skeleton t-shirt might come in handy for illustrative purposes.)

6. Parallel lines

Find a friend and stand next to each other all night.

7. A bubble sheet

Take a sheet and wrap it around yourself (wearing clothes underneath, of course). Then, tape bubble wrap on top of the sheet. Consider carrying around bubble gum, or liquid bubbles all night. So fun!

8. A remainder

Dig up last year's costume. Wear part of it, ie: the remainder.

9. A part-of-speech

Find a speech that you like, and write the beginning onto a plain white t-shirt.

10. A logarithm

Find a stick and hit it against a table. Making... a logarithm.


Erika Oppenheimer is an SAT and ACT test prep coach and the author of Acing It! A Mindful Guide to Maximum Results on Your College Admissions Test. Using her unique "Test Prep for the Whole Person" methodology, she helps students from across the country reach their potential in the test room and in life. Learn more about Erika's coaching programs here.

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