10 qualities every travel blogger needs to be successful (and it’s not a love of travel)

10 qualities every travel blogger needs to be successful (and it’s not a love of travel)
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Travel blogging. What separates the men from the boys? What distinguishes those influencers riding the crest of the wave from those still bobbing at the shallow end of the blogging pool?

Talent, yes. But alone it isn’t enough. A love of travel? Of course. But, again, on its own it won’t take you far (so to speak).

Personally, I think travel blogging greatness comes down to a set of personality traits that make certain individuals rise to the top. My belief is that, like in other industries, success comes down to a mix of: talent + opportunity + character.

So if you’ve the talent, awesome. If you’re in-tune with opportunities, marvellous. And if you’ve any of the 10 traits below, travel blogging success must only be a stone’s throw away. Surely?

1. Patience

Hundreds of thousands of social media followers don’t grow overnight. Successful travel bloggers built their audience as a result of hard, consistent work. So have patience as you start blogging and remember: it is not the destination that ultimately matters, but what you do and how you do it on the way there. Do: Give yourself time to rise. Don't rush.

2. Narcissism

Although psychologists may view it negatively, I think a healthy level of narcissism is essential to make it as a blogger. Us bloggers love gratification from our social media following and blog readers (oh come on, we do!). We check our likes, retweets, shares, views, comments almost obsessively, and we’re not shy when it comes to taking yet another photo of ourselves to share with the world. Do: Leave shyness behind. Get brave. Be bold.

3. Confidence

You need the confidence not to compare yourself to other travel bloggers. It’s hard, admittedly, and I struggle with it. However, successful travel bloggers have the self-assurance to tread their own path; they're also comfortable enough in their own skins to ask for help when they need it and give help when someone else needs it. Do: Learn from others, then go your own way.

4. Enthusiasm

When you’re hunched over a laptop for hours, it’s enthusiasm for sharing your travel story for being creative that’ll get you through the late nights and long days. Enthusiasm also comes in handy when you face blogging obstacles such as negative post comments, technological hiccups, or bad trip experiences (yes, they do happen). Do: Be prepared for hard work. Travel blogging is not as easy as it looks.

5. Imagination

My favourite travel writers have a deep well of creativity running through their writing. They bring alive the sounds and sights and colours in a way that leaves you drooling at the mouth – and they have the imagination to give fresh perspective on well-trodden destinations. This kind of writing stays with readers; it is remembered by the head and the heart. Do: Look for different angles to build your story around.

6. Curiosity

Successful travel bloggers have a natural curiosity about the world. Every city, town, bar or hotel is a stone ready to be overturned. But they are also goal-hungry, which makes them inquisitive to learn. They hunt for the tools, the courses, the mentors, the information to help them maintain their blog and master new skills. Do: Embrace being a perpetual student. Learn as much as you can and don't stop learning.

7. Charm

Think of your blog as a business, not a hobby. Why? Because as a travel blogger you’re dealing with brands, SMEs, PR agencies and other bloggers – they are business people. And if you’re charismatic – in an authentic, honest, honourable way – then you’ll make connections (and friends) that’ll support you and your work. Do: Network, act professionally, and admit your mistakes or limitations.

8. Intuition

The best travel bloggers I know are intuitive. They just ‘know’ how to take a great photo or to turn a phrase. They can sense danger in places or people – essential as a traveller, let alone a blogger – and can detect the ‘hook’ of a story within a particular experience with effortlessness. Do: Listen to your gut. Always.

9. Self-reliance

Although you can be (digitally) very well connected as a travel blogger, it can also be lonely. So being able to trust yourself and rely on numero uno is important - for money, for motivation, for inspiration. Remember: self-reliance conquers difficulty and the blogging road is by no means smooth. Do: Trust that you can do it, and know that mistakes are all part of the learning journey.

10. Kindness

We build our travel blogs on the shoulders of giants. And those giants in the travel blogging world are, usually, happy to support those just starting out. I know of one mega-successful travel blogger who’s always happy to answer my questions or share my content. She’s an inspiration and I’ll happily take her lead. Do: Be an active, generous part of the blogging community. Never let your ego take over.

Do you agree? Those are the 10 traits I think you need to make it as a travel blogger. Are there any others that I’ve missed? I’d love to know what you think.

For more of Claire's writing, check out weekendcandy.com - home to the best weekend breaks in the UK and Europe.

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