15 Things That Even Liberals Should Be Willing To Admit

Sometimes you have to wonder whether conservatives and liberals are just talking past each other. Do we really agree on more issues than we think?
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Sometimes you have to wonder whether conservatives and liberals are just talking past each other. Do we really agree on more issues than we think? I decided to find out by putting together 15 statements, all of which are really nothing more than utterly unremarkable notations of the obvious. I am curious to see whether the liberals here at Huffington Post would be willing to admit in the comments that all of these statements are not only true, but fairly uncontroversial. Maybe we agree on more than we think.

15) That the Occupy Movement has broken more laws and been much more violent than the Tea Party Movement.

14) That If we can ask people to present an ID to buy alcohol, drive a car, or get on an airplane, then it's no great burden to ask people to present an ID if they're doing something as important as voting.

13) That increasing taxes, adding expensive regulations, and demonizing businesses hurt economic growth.

12) That for whatever flaws it may have, America has done more good for the world and is still doing more good for the world than any other nation in world history.

11) That opponents of abortion are primarily motivated by the fact that they think a child is being killed during an abortion and thus, they feel they're morally obligated to speak out.

10) That a machine is more likely to accurately count votes than human beings, who have a reason to try to slant the totals because of their political affiliation.

9) That Communism is an evil comparable to, if not worse than, Nazism.

8) That a lot, if not most, of the charges of "racism" that are thrown around in the political sphere are done so for the sake of politics, not because people actually believe there's any racism occurring.

7) That the life of a human being is more important than that of an animal.

6) That Fox leans to the right while ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, and MSNBC lean to the left.

5) That Bush never had any intention of implementing a draft.

4) That Bush was right about the surge turning the tide in Iraq.

3) That conservative policies, mostly opposed by liberals, led to the collapse of the Soviet Union and American victory in the Cold War.

2) That the Left's opposition to drilling in ANWR and other places in the U.S. has driven up the cost of gas.

1) That at best, Barack Obama has been ineffective at turning around the economy and at worst, his policies have made it worse.

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