16 Incredibly Cheesy Game of Thrones Jokes

16 Incredibly Cheesy Game of Thrones Jokes
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Let’s face it, you’re addicted to Game of Thrones. You’ve watched every single episode, counted every single death and passionately followed The Starks, Lannisters and Tyrells in their quest for the Iron Throne. Heck, if you’re like me, you even have George R.R. Martin’s birthday marked off in your calendar. Superfans like us can’t get enough of the life in Westeros, and sometimes it’s difficult to stay satiated in between seasons of the show. Well no need to worry, we’ve got your back! After scouring the interwebs, we’ve discovered some of the cheesiest jokes about the Seven Kingdoms.

Read on, and try not to laugh too hard.

1) Why did Bran Stark take a bath?

Because everyone was complaining of a strong Hodor.

2) What stopped winter from coming?

Winterfell and it couldn’t get up!

3) What is the name of the Stark family barbershop?

Winter is Combing

4) What did the railing say to the stairs?

A Bannister always pays his steps!

5) What do you get when you cross a Lannister and a Lannister?

King Joffrey

6) Why did Cersei order the Starks direwolf to be executed?

Because she has no Sansa humor.

7) Why does no one from Winterfell have Alzheimer’s?

Because the North remembers.

8) Why is Arya Stark always on the run?

Because she’s constantly being hounded.

9) When Daenerys’ troops started strolling instead of marching, what nickname were they given?

The Unhurried

10) How much money did Jon Snow win on Jeopardy?

Zero dollars... He knew nothing!

11) What do you call it when the king of Westeros tosses a domestic appliance out the window?

The Iron thrown!

12) What’s the difference between Game of Thrones and Twitter?

Twitter has a limit of 140 characters.

13) Where do you take your Direwolf to get fixed?

The KingSpayer

14) What Jon Snow’s bakery called?

You know Muffins, Jon Snow

15) Why was the Mountain banned from the Olympics?

He was taking Westeroids.

16) Why will Jaime Lannister never come to your aid?

Because he lost his helping hand

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