16 Tech Titans on Twitter

The 16below are amazing global citizens. Yes, we call them titans. Not just because of the greatness of their achievements, but because they believe in moving humanity forward.
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This is the latest post in our series, TwitterPowerhouses, which focuses on the contributions of people who've helped to expand, influence, and redefine how we view social networking.

Technology has always been an awe-inspiring tool. It intimately affects our lives, and our surrounding environment. Our history is peppered with technological advances -- one right after the other. Indeed, the evolution throughout our history has been an incredible journey. And technology is the passport to the exciting destinations in our future.

Today, technology is allowing us to share information on a global scale. We are at an Information Golden Age -- this is where information is communicated at the speed of now. We are more connected today than at any other time in our history. It is this level of engagement that changes societies and fosters innovation. We are now global citizens -- with the ability to consume and produce content that can touch the lives of the 6.8 billion people on this planet.

The 16 Tech Titans below are truly amazing global citizens. As their tools of the trade, they use Twitter and other avenues to engage and inform the international community. They are some of technology's most respected influencers. The quality of their work speaks volumes. They intimately understand the importance of sharing their knowledge. Yes, we call them titans. Not just because of the greatness of their professional achievements, but also because they believe in moving humanity forward, one technological leap at a time.

Laura Fitton / @Pistachio
The best-selling author of Twitter for Dummies, Fitton is also the
CEO and Founder of OneForty, which helps developers
with innovations that greatly enhance the Twitter Experience.
Ruhani Rabin /@Ruhani Rabin
Social media researcher, Rabin is Vice-President of the
MOL Access Portal. MOL is owner of social media giant Friendster,
which he has pushed to new heights of success.
Misty Belardo / @mistygirlph
Though respected for her work on sites like Bitrebels,
Belardo uses technology to create some of the best,
cutting-edge graphics / avatar designs on the web.
Jose Antonio Vargas /@joseiswriting
A senior writer at the Huffington Post, Vargas has one of our
favorite blogs, Technology as Anthropology (click here for his posts) as well as a
Pulitzer Prize to cement an already impressive career as a multimedia journalist.
Stacey Higginbotham /@gigastacey
Though based in Austin, TX, her work is wonderfully international.
Whether Silicon Valley, broadband, or the FCC, Higgonbotham's blogging
for the forward-thinking GiGaOM is always appreciated.
Douglas Idugboe /@ douglasi
Web 2.0 Evangelist and best-selling author, he is also the publisher and
head writer for the hot site Smedio, which explores the intersection of
technology and business.
Julia Roy /@juliaroy
Though currently rockin' as the senior manager of New Media at Coach, Inc.,
we remember her popular weekly vlog Tweet Week. She's a serious digital
influencer who doesn't take herself too seriously. We love the smart,
geek-centric humor of her website.
Chethan Rnk /@Cheth
When he's not at the Entertainment Desk of a Leading Weekly Magazine,
this prolific tech blogger is making great moves as Head Designer and
Founder of Cheth Studios.
Krystyn Chong /@krystynchong
Remember that piece in Forbes about women and gaming? We are
certain they were talking about Chong, who is also a true thought leader on
how our rapidly evolving technology impacts international laws.
Chris Luzader /@TechZader
Not only will you respect his approach to technology and his blogging
style, you will also appreciate the incredible diversity of topics
and links on his rapid-fire Twitter feed.
Kathy Meyer /@2cre8
She also has a dynamic and high-octane Twitter feed, but her
amazing work in interactive design and her app for children have
placed her name in the bright lights.
Tim Karr /@TimKarr
His work as the Campaign Director for Free Press and SavetheInternet
is nothing short of amazing, but his impassioned and informed pieces
in the Huff Post Technology section truly rock the house!
Daniel Hudson /@webtechman
He is a known specialist in the area of emerging technologies, and works
on apps for both business and government. We greatly appreciate his curiosity
about the evolution of society in a Web 2.0 context.
Cecilia Kang /@ceciliakang
She writes about technology policy for The Washington Post. Her blog
is a must read. She keeps her readers hooked because of her ability to
explain complex terms for the tech-challenged.
Craig Settles / @CJSettles
A popular analyst, Settles helps local governments and others
develop a strong broadband network. In fact, his new book, Fighting
the Good Fight, provides an awesome road map to make this a reality.
Ahad Bokhari /@tech_blend
More than a decade as a globe-trotting technologist have prepared him for
the coveted C.T.O. position at Fluid New Media. His cool Twitter feed --
a great collection of links -- gets the thumbs up on any day of the week.

Authors' Note: In case you missed it, here's Part 7 of the series: The Social Media Genius of Kim Sherrell.

Follow Ramon Nuez on Twitter: www.twitter.com/ramonbnuezjr

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