2 Surprising Health Tips That Are Often Overlooked

2 Surprising Health Tips That Are Often Overlooked
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There’s two major lessons you need to learn when it comes to your health. They may seem obvious but they are often overlooked. Overtime they will take a huge toll on your health. Brian Goldstein, world class entrepreneur and the founder of Rx Unlimited Pharmacy, shares his advice in health.

Being informed about your health is one of the most important things you can do. For example: “Withdrawing money from a cash machine is something many of us do regularly, but how many of us give our hands a wash after using them? Cleanliness tests carried out in Britain found that ATM machines were as dirty as the toilets. Specialists investigated swabs taken from the cash machine keyboards and from public toilets nearby and found both samples had the same bacteria known to lead to sickness.” - Realbuzz

So, with that being said here are two important lessons in health that we often overlook:

Make your mental health a real priority

The first part is taking care of your own internal mental health, and treating mental health disorders when they arise. Depression, anxiety, addiction and chronic stress all raise the risk of other diseases and the risk of early mortality.

Also under the umbrella of mental health is staying socially connected. An almost 80-year-long Harvard study has found that a key indicator of a person's health and longevity was whether he or she had rich social connections. This may work for a couple of reasons: We’re social creatures by nature, and being around other people is a huge stress relief and mood booster. Additionally, having a social network, including a partner, may also make it more likely that you’ll take better care of yourself along the way and seek medical care when problems arise.

Avoid taking in harmful chemicals, and critters, as much as possible

This one includes the big carcinogen, which still kills way too many people around the globe—tobacco. It also covers drinking, which, if you’re going to do it, should probably fall into the “light” category.

The tobacco literature speaks for itself, but the research on alcohol is only just becoming clearer. Some researchers believe that moderate drinking is okay and even beneficial for reducing disease risk.

But recent studies have suggested that even light drinking confers some level of cancer risk. Therefore, very light drinking is probably the best advice, and most experts say not to start drinking for the health benefits if you don’t currently.

This category also includes exposure to other toxins, carcinogens and endocrine disruptors, from smog to beauty products to plastics. There are lots of "bad chemicals" out there and it's impossible to avoid everything; but cutting down where we can is probably smart. The use of OTC meds like acetaminophen and ibuprofen should also probably be sparing, since they've been shown to have some long-term risks.

Finally, also in this category is trying to reduce our exposure to bacteria and viruses—within reason. This includes everything from practicing safe sex to washing your hands regularly to getting vaccinated. The antibacterial craze has largely backfired, so you don’t have to go crazy with antibacterial soap and wipes. Let your kids play in the dirt and with the pets. A little exposure to germs (again, within reason) can actually be a good thing.

A healthy lifestyle is not really all that complicated. It boils down to just a handful of behaviors. But this is also what makes it so difficult—that these things are, in the end, all behaviors, which means it’s up to us to be aware of them and to see them through.

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