3 Secrets For a Happier, More Productive Day

3 Secrets For a Happier, More Productive Day
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In this go-getting uber busy society we live in, we are constantly chased by deadlines and to-dos. A message or status update pops up on your phone and computer screen non-stop.

The world keeps crying for your attention and pulls you in all different directions regardless of what you really want to do.

You feel like you are going in circles and not moving forward.

You are always busy, but when you look back, you don't know what you spent the time on.

You end up feeling exhausted and empty.

Worst case scenario is you feel completely burnt out.

How do you get out of this mess?

Here is the best kept secret to increase your productivity.

The secret is in how you start your day.

Having a pleasant positive morning will set the tone of your whole day. Here are three simple tips for you to start a happier day.

1. Start your day with gratitude, intention and smile

When you wake up and are still lying in bed, think of what you are grateful for. This morning I was grateful that it's another beautiful day and I get to do work I love and serve my clients. It could be the same gratitude over the days. Then set your intention for the day. The intention I set for today was to be present. After you say your gratitude, and set your intention, then smile. Don't be shy. No one is looking. Make a big silly smile. Starting your day in a positive mindset with intentions of the day makes all the difference.

2. Have a morning routine

Create a morning routine so that you can start your day smoothly. Take out the guesswork of what you are doing next. It doesn't have to be down to the minute. What is important is that you have it all planned out so you just have to follow your schedule.

For instance, this is my morning routine. (Okay, I admit it doesn't always go this way but this is what I'm aiming for.)

5:40 am Wake up, say my gratitude, and smile
5:50 am Change into gym clothes and have a cup of coffee
6:00 am Head to the gym
7:00 am Come back from gym and take a shower
7:20 am Have breakfast
7:35 am Get ready for work
7:50 am Head to office ( I work from my home office so my commute is two seconds. I know, I'm lucky!)

3. Set your morning up for success the night before

Instead of scrambling around the house, tripping over shoes from yesterday's outfit and constantly looking for where your mobile phone is, set yourself up for success. (This is the ultimate key to succeed. You have to set yourself up for success!)

Have your gym clothes laid out the night before. I used to sleep in them so I could just jump out of bed and go. ( I know... it's not a pretty scene... but it worked!) Choose what you are going to wear to work before you go to bed. Have your coffee machine on timer so that when you wake up it's ready and waiting for you. Have a place where you always keep your mobile phone, keys and work bag. This will shed minutes in the morning looking for them. (Morning minutes are 5 times more valuable than afternoon minutes. Don't you think?)

Start your new routine today. Try it another day. Stick to it for a week, then another week, and another week until it becomes a new habit.

Once it's a habit it will become effortless.

Having a positive start to your day sets the foundation of your day.

Your mornings will run smoothly. You will show up to work ready.

Small changes in your day lead up to the bigger changes that you want to achieve. Be in charge of how you spend your time.

Nozomi Morgan, MBA, is a certified Executive Coach and the Founder and President of Michiki Morgan Worldwide LLC. Addition to coaching, she speaks and trains on leadership, career, professional development and cross-cultural business communication.

Visit www.nozomimorgan.com to learn more about Nozomi . There, you can download the free Leadership Discovery Tool. Follow Nozomi on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, or Google+.

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