3 Tips for Landing Fun House Sits

3 Tips for Landing Fun House Sits
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Are you stoked to land rocking house sits?

Kelli and I have been house sitting since 2014, living in places like Fiji, Bali, Costa Rica and Thailand for months at a time.

Follow these tips to land the fun house sits.

1: Be Transparent

Whether you have a profile listed on a website or friends are asking you to house sit for them just be transparent to find the best matches.

Especially when you’re applying through a site, be open and honest about what you have to offer.

Kelli and I share a video we filmed in Fiji to show that we are living, breathing human beings. We also link to our websites and social media sites to be fully transparent.

People want to know about the person they are interviewing to watch their home. If you want them to trust you give them a good reason to buy into you: share websites, videos, experiences with house sitting and as much relevant information as possible to land fun house sits.

Basically, let homeowners know whether they have a match or not fairly quickly, through your clarity.

2: Be Clear on Your Ideal House Sitting Job

We love house sits in the tropics.

We have yet to apply for the more common house sits in Europe or Australia.

Although we appreciate different sits around the world we are fully clear on specifically what we want; house sits in warm, tropical areas.

Getting clear on one particular type of sit allows the sit to make a beeline for you. Energy thing. Yet most house sitters apply to any old sit that comes down the pike just to get a house sit, and wonder why Kelli and I regularly land sits in Fiji, Bali, Thailand and Costa Rica while they never seem to get house sits in the tropics.

Be picky.

Be clear.

Knowing specifically what you want allows these sits to find you, as you won’t be giving your attention and energy to any other type of sits.

3: Be Polite, Cool and Detached

Although we prefer certain sits we remain calm, cool, collected and pretty dang detached around any particular sit.

Desperation repels. If you frantically beg or plead for a sit, you are doomed. You will repel the homeowner who will feel worried about giving the job to someone who seems so needy, almost like a clingy, desperate person in a relationships who scares people off.

Be calm. Relax. If the homeowner vibes with you they will pick you for the job. But if the homeowner picks someone else, fun house sits pop up regularly. When one door seems to close another door opens pretty quickly. Think abundantly and you will land more rocking house sits.

Bonus Tip

Be professional, courteous and for goodness sake, act like a sane, socialized adult.

Kelli is my mouth piece throughout much of the process as our contact point but when I enter the chat during interviews I am my engaging, charismatic, natural self, as is wifey. Even if you are not used to being on the camera or being interviewed simply relax, chill, be pleasant and be polite.

If you are reaching out to the homeowner for the first time do not email the individual a phrase like:

“Do you have dog food at the house?”

No joke; one person we house sat for received such a message from a prospective sitter.

Use people’s name, be nice, ask a few questions and make yourself readily available through a series of online channels and via phone to begin the bonding process.

Your Turn

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