5 Killer Wealth-Building Tips from my Mega-Millionaire Mentor

Being financially independent and successful does not mean that you have to sacrifice having a family, traveling or other goals. The key is to make sure that you shift your values accordingly to what you want to accomplish during certain periods in your life.
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Is making money a struggle? Are you in a dead-end job? In a day job that doesn't feel meaningful or isn't your mission in life? Counting down the seconds until you leave as soon as you clock in? If any of these questions resonate with you, then you MUST read on for the wealth-building secrets that I gleaned from my mentor, the self-help guru Dr. John Demartini.


Yes, he is a mega-millionaire, but that's not why I look up to him. Besides being that and a world-renowned author and public speaker, he's a success at serving others in large scale; he wakes up every morning and does what he loves -- serving others -- while making a ton of money in the process.

The great Confucius once said, "Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life." But for a lot of people, figuring out just what it is that they love to do and how that can translate to success and financial wealth is not an easy task. People end up stuck in unfulfilling jobs, instead of being present in the moment and making the most of their time. So how do we find what it is we are meant to do? Is it possible to do what we love -- and be financially successful as well? It all depends on how we prioritize our goals and where we focus. It's all about "awakening your genius" as Dr. Demartini says, and it's one of the most important steps in reaching financial well-being.

Being financially independent and successful does not mean that you have to sacrifice having a family, traveling or other goals. The key is to make sure that you shift your values accordingly to what you want to accomplish during certain periods in your life. Because the truth is, you'll be most successful in whatever you place as your highest value.

Dr. Demartini first advises "When you think about what you want, visualize yourself embracing pleasure and pain in pursuing it. There will be highs and lows, but if its something of high value to you, if it inspires you and motivates you, those reactions will have very little effect on the overall fulfillment." One key word here is YOU -- when you thinking about what you want. Many people are afraid to do so, because it may seem selfish to think only about yourself. But if you don't value yourself and realize you are worthy of success, then you'll oversee opportunities for growth and are bound to be stuck in the same spot.


So how do we take risks and move towards securing financial wealth and stability? Here are the five top tips from Dr. Demartini:

1. Your Net Worth is Correlated to Your Self-Worth

What you are capable of accomplishing is what you think you can accomplish. Although it may seem cheesy and redundant, the old adage "believe in yourself" is actually a very powerful tool that can put you in the right mindset to start taking the steps needed to fulfill your financial goals.

2. Be Cutthroat in Your Savings Habit

Putting money into your savings every month is a key habit that will allow you to become financially independent and be able to do the things you love. As Dr. Demartini said, make saving something you "don't have time to emotionalize over...it's electronically done." Many banking institutions offer automatic transfers into a savings account, or you can even have your company automatically pull aside money from each paycheck, similar to a 401K. Do your homework on where to stash your savings; banks are not known for providing great returns on capital.

3. Set Realistic Goals That You Value

Whatever your goals, you are more likely going to successfully achieve the one which you have as your highest value. According to Dr. Demartini "if you don't value wealth building, the probability of it occurring on financial matters is not very high. There are some people who work their whole lives and have no money to show for it, because they have a higher value on spending it on depreciables than on savings." If you want to start a family, then wealth building may not be your highest value. If you want to grow your shoe collection, own a fancy car, or spend your money on other depreciables, then you don't really value money as much as you value material (and transient) instant gratification. Consider prioritizing according to the stages in life you are in.

4. Find a Way to Serve Others

Building your success upon a product or service that is useful to others is a sure way of guaranteeing a continuous income. Think of the genius behind Apple computers, Microsoft, or even your favorite shoe brand - these are all products/ services that people need. They are an integral part of daily life, and in this way, were created to serve people. The relationship between the brand and the consumer, or the you and those you serve, are long-term and always evolving.

5. Intimidation is a reflection of your internal conversation with yourself

This last tip is correlated to the first one on this list: How you see yourself, and what you are capable of, directly reflects on how you succeed, and how others see you as well. If you come across people that you feel are more successful than you, by simply even having that thought, you are putting them on a pedestal and lowering yourself in comparison. Yes, there are successful people we all look up to. But rather than be intimidated or feel that you could never emulate their success or approach them for advice, instead think about how you are both the same. As Dr. Demartini states: "If they're 'out of our league', we are minimizing ourselves and exaggerating them. You need to know what you have to offer, what their needs are, and establish yourself as an equal in your mind."


This last tip in particular is useful for women who can often feel intimidated when working in a "mans world". Many women feel the pressure to focus on nurturing a family rather than nurturing a career and wonder if it's possible to do both. Going back to Dr. Demartini's advice, sticking to your highest value will allow you to achieve the type of success you crave. If you value financial wellness and stability, hold off on starting a family until you have attained your financial goals.

"Give yourself permission to do something extraordinary on planet earth." This was one of the parting statements as I rounded out my chat with Dr. Demartini. Many people are afraid to take financial risks that could lead to everyday happiness and stability, while other people are tied to material "happiness" that they feel defines their success: the more they have, the more successful they feel. At the end of the day, you will find that inspiration and happiness will not last long in material goods, but you'll definitely always find it in people and experiences. When you do figure out what you love, you'll notice that you'll wake up every morning inspired and ready to start your workday. Discipline is not required when you are intrinsically motivated by something that inspires you every day. Allowing yourself to value financial success because you are worthy of it, and achieving this success through doing something you love, which inspires you and which serves others, will allow you to "awaken your genius!"

Now go out there and get wealthy!

'Have No Regrets' --Richard Branson, Founder of Virgin Group

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