5 Simple Habits to Adopt if You’re Living With Anxiety

5 Simple Habits to Adopt if You’re Living With Anxiety
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I thought I had seen the last of my anxiety once and for all.

It had been years since I had experienced a full-on panic attack, but just like that – it came right back.

I was deep into a new business venture when the stress became way too overwhelming. The heaviness in my chest was suffocating, while the sadness and fear filled every inch of my body.

I hated feeling this way again, and in the chaos of launching a start-up I had completely disconnected with all the parts of me that had healed my anxiety in the first place.

I wasn’t eating properly. I wasn’t sleeping well. And the only peace I could find was through numbing out with a TV show that inspired an exhilarating rush of dopamine. Loneliness flooded my soul and waking up with a sense of panic and dread became my new norm.

There was no time for a huge lifestyle overhaul like I had done five years ago. My time and energy were both maxed out, and I couldn’t commit to fully supporting my own needs.

Instead, I had to rely on small, almost miniscule habits.

No, they didn’t eliminate my anxiety completely – but they allowed me to get through the day and remain grounded amidst the inner turmoil.

As someone who has now been through a difficult bout of generalized anxiety twice, I knew that there was power in the subtleties.

If you’re living with anxiety, you need to develop a strategy of self-support and these simple habits provide you with the tools to do so:

1. Tuning into your breath

Your breath is your foundation and your ultimate life force. Anytime you feel the anxiety coming up, tune into your breath and focus on the gentle rhythm moving in and out. Everything around you can be failing, but your breath is always there to lean on.

2. Praying to build faith

During this dark period in my life I stopped believing in God. I was praying every single day and was always left with prayers unanswered. Having said that, pray anyway. The act of prayer establishes faith, and faith is the most powerful core value to maintain when living with anxiety. I have since then re-established my faith – and even though I don’t have some miraculous story of all my prayers being answered, my faith is what carries me through.

3. Loving your family

Never ever have I fallen so deeply in love with my family or found so much joy in just knowing that I belong to one. Family is never perfect and yours doesn’t have to be for this habit to help you. Remember, this habit is about you loving your family. The connective bond and the unwavering love of those who raised you, is an uplifting force like nothing else.

4. Letting the tears flow

Crying is a way to release stagnant energy, serving as an act of freedom – not weakness. Allowing yourself the space to express this vulnerability can open you up to a deeper feeling of calm and clarity. If you feel the urge to cry, let it out – and then reset and move on.

5. Keep walking

The burst of energy that comes from a walk outdoors is highly beneficial to both the body and mind. If there is any small part of your daily routine that can incorporate walking, do it. Movement is essential for mental wellness and spiritually represents moving forward which is the ultimate goal when working through anxiety – letting go of your fears around the future and moving bravely into the unknown.


I have been previously diagnosed with Generalized Anxiety Disorder and I wish to acknowledge that the type of support and tools needed to work through it will be different for everyone. Nutrition and lifestyle both played a significant role for me and I choose to honor that same path again. Anxiety has many different triggers and ways of manifesting and I encourage you to honor what works best for you.

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