5 Simple Ways to Get Your Mojo Back

5 Simple Ways to Get Your Mojo Back
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We all know that life sometimes gets in the way of business. It’s something that is totally out of our control. We may experience financial difficulties, family challenges and health concerns, that can all be distractions from your business. Yet, as life goes on, so does business.

So the question is:

How do you set your challenges and concerns aside, and stay motivated and focused during hard times? How can you automate your business and get things done if you’re pressed for time?

The first thing you should understand is that solving your challenges and issues does not have to be done alone.

Here Are Some Tips on How to Get Your Mojo Back

Create your goals.

It’s really simple- goals help you stay focused and motivated. Write them down and make it plain. The trick during hard times is to make sure the goals are easily attainable (which means you may have to revise them accordingly) yet still move your business in a forward direction.

For instance, let’s say you are dealing with a health issue and you prefer to break your day up into working a few hours at a time. If you make it a goal to create an information product or write your content for the next month, it may be something you can accomplish in small sections of time.

However, something such as launching a new website may not be something you want to tackle when you’re under the weather. I know I wouldn’t because it’s very time consuming. Now you always have the option of outsourcing to contractors but even still if you have to micromanage the contractors, you’re creating too much work for yourself. Some things will just have to wait while other things can worked on. At any rate, choose goals that you can deal with in smaller segments of time.

Do What You Love to do.

Hopefully, everything you do for your business is something you love to do. However, many business owners take on so many different tasks that can be tedious. There’s no need for it. When you’re going through a rough time, that’s when you find someone to manage those tasks and to focus your attention on doing the tasks you love.

Let’s say you love to blog and engage your audience on Facebook. Set aside some time each day to manage that responsibility. This will give you something to look forward to and will help you get through the hard times without your business suffering.

Give yourself a break.

Seriously! Putting too much pressure on yourself will cause you to burn out too fast. When this happens it sort of makes your business feel like more of a burden when it should feel more like you are fulfilling your dream. We all go through hard times. If you accept that you may have to cut back a bit or get help during this trial, you’ll be much more able to focus on your business when you have time to. The combination of stress and pressure are great if you want to lose focus and concentration.

Switch up on your schedule.

If you work from home like I do, you may need to do this often anyway. You may have your days scheduled and at some point a monkey wrench gets thrown into the day.

This is very common but can also be frustrating when you are trying to get things done. So now you’re not able to work when you normally do and your concentration and focus is thrown off. No biggie! Instead of struggling to try to maintain the same ole schedule, create a new one from time to time. This gives you room to adapt and be proactive. For example, one of your kids may have a play at school in the middle of the day. Get up an hour earlier or stay up an hour later during the day. Create time to work so you don’t have to find time to work.

Take care of yourself.

Above all, take good care of yourself. Eliminate or at least minimize stress, get good sleep, exercise and eat healthy foods. It’s not always easy if you are a ”snacker” like I am. But just like everything else, it’s a process. These things will help you focus and concentrate when you have time to work on your business.

Life happens and so do hardships. Planning ahead is a good idea because you just never know what’s in front of you. Make sure you have a good support system.

Outsource when needed and remember how important your health is. The more you learn how to adapt to a situation, the less of an impact it will have on your ability to stay focused.

CJ Moses is the founder of the Modern Mom Business blog and She Grows It Digital Media Group. You can find her Instagrammin’ or hanging out at www.cheryljmoses.com.

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