5 Steps to Manifest New Love in Your Life

What past resentments do you still need to let go and heal from? What actions can you take or plans that you can make to better love yourself? How can you start having more fun in your life today? Share your answers in the comments below!
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With this new year just starting out, many of us are looking for ways in how to improve our level of happiness and fulfillment from last year to this year.

If you're single, you may be asking yourself: What do I need to do to a new romantic partner this year? On the other hand, if you're already in a relationship, you may be asking yourself: What can I do to deepen my relationship in a way so that I can experience more love?

Regardless if you're in a relationship or not, these 5 steps to manifest new love in your life will be beneficial to you. Here are the 5 steps:

#1 Release past resentments. Are you holding any grudges towards your current partner or a past one? Are you still disappointed over some actions made? Are you still bitter in any way? If so, give yourself the intention to let it go.

Once you've recognized any past resentments that you have been holding on to. Make the conscious effort to forgive. Sit quietly and do a short guided visualization where you send the person some light and love. Do this periodically until you feel that there are little to no "hard feelings" left.

#2 Do loving things for you. Is there something that you've been needing lately that you've been putting off cause you've been subconsciously telling yourself "I don't deserve it?" For example: Have you known that you need to go to the dentist but you've been putting it off forever? Have you realized that you need to make a diet or lifestyle change but you keep shoving it in the back of your mind? Have you been feeling like you've been needing some support from a therapist or coach but you've been putting it off for months?

Whatever it is, make plans to do it! We can't experience our highest level of fulfillment of love in our relationships with others until we have chosen to love ourselves 100%. Know that you deserve it -- and make it happen!


#3 Have fun! When we are having fun and enjoy the things we do, we not only make ourselves feel better but we also brighten other people's day as well. And, as a result, we end up attracting more people to us!

So do the things that you love to do. Do things that brighten up your being. Do things that give you joy. Even if it is just the little things like going to a cafe that you really enjoy or dancing more because it makes you feel alive. Find ways to more enjoy your life and then do it!

#4 Take moments to connect to and visualize what you really want to experience. What kind of partner do you want to have in your life? What is it that you want to feel while in your relationship? Whatever it is that you want to experience, close your eyes and take the time visualize it in your mind's eye for short periods of time throughout your day.

That being said, if you are not completely sure as to what kind of partner you'd like or how you'd want to feel, this simple meditation can certainly do the trick: Close your eyes and take deep breaths. In your mind's eye visualize your partner or your future partner and yourself. Visualize this person coming from a distance as a bright being of light. As this person comes closer to you, you recognize that you yourself are a strong being of bright light as well. When this person comes close to you you realize that you are both two whole beings. Complete in yourselves and equal to one another. There is a mutual sense of balance, love, and light between the two of you.

Do this meditation periodically. It is meant to help you enter into any of your romantic encounters with a sense of equality, strength, and genuine love, which has a tendency to become hindered and distorted by our egos.

#5 Trust and believe that it will happen! When we don't trust and believe in what we can create for ourselves, this is when we tend to experience emotions like worry and anxiety. Try to be mindful and aware whenever these emotions come up. If you feel doubt and, hence, a sense of worry come in then simply be aware of it. Don't try to ignore it or push it away. Just let it be. Then focus on trusting and believing that it will and can happen for you!

Many of us tend to self-sabotage ourselves with our own doubt. We get a good momentum going but our ego comes in and fills us with doubt, which then stops us in our tracks.

When we focus and put more energy and attention into what we truly desire to manifest, then we increase the chances of it actually happening. So trust, believe, and, of course, be patient.

Take action now!

What past resentments do you still need to let go and heal from? What actions can you take or plans that you can make to better love yourself? How can you start having more fun in your life today? Share your answers in the comments below!

This blog was originally published on JenniferTwardowski.com

Jennifer is a self and relationship coach and teacher. She helps women worldwide create fulfilling relationships with both themselves and others so they can live happy and joyful lives. Click here for her Free Self and Relationship Healing Meditation.

Connect with her on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram!


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