5 Things a Year of Gut Healing Taught Me

5 Things a Year of Gut Healing Taught Me
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There has been a lot of news out there about our immune systems and our guts the last several years. Gut issues have been linked to a number of health issues including poor overall health, digestive woes, allergies, and autoimmune/Fibromyalgia. In fact, it has been reported that 70% of our immune system is in our gut which could certainly explain the increasing levels of sickness likely linked to our poor diets and the changes in how our food is grown.

As someone with Fibromyalgia and numerous allergies, I had to give this information a second and third glance and give some real thought to making some changes. About a year ago, I decided to give gut healing a go and I will never go back. Here is what the experience taught me:

1. This stuff isn’t hocus pocus.

It’s no surprise that sometimes new things come up in the health world that are a little suspect.

If you look up gut healing, first of all, you will see this stuff has a scientific basis. It’s legit.

For me personally, the proof is in the pudding and there is no way I’m going back to my pre-gut healing days.

2. Improved digestion is a side effect.

I really wasn’t looking for an improvement in digestion when I went down this road. I was in it more for the immune boost since I have Fibro and allergies up the wazoo. I also figured my digestion was a forever nightmare because my gallbladder got yanked out in 2013 (don’t let them tell you it doesn’t affect your digestion….not true).

Alas, my tricky digestion improved after about six months. And I was able to incorporate some foods that I hadn’t been able to before. Bonus! Because of the whole gallbladder thing, my digestion will never be what it was but it’s significantly improved.

3. My immune system depends on me.

I got what I was after. How often can you say that in life?

My energy is way better, my body’s ability to handle allergies has improved, I no longer catch every single illness that comes my way, I’m off of asthma meds (I only use an inhaler maybe once a year now), my Fibro has improved tenfold at least (I am almost NEVER in pain), and my brain health is greatly improved as well. Can you say brain fog cut by about 80%? Yes!

4. If I stop, I’ll be knee deep in allergy meds and asleep 70% of the time.

Gut healing has saved me a fortune in medicines. Really. When you heal that immune system, you’ll be surprised the difference it makes. My hope is some day after my gut is completely healed the last allergy med can go too!

Before gut healing, I went through life asleep. Now I can actually go without multiple naps, work all day if I need to, and bed doesn’t call me until 10pm instead of 8pm.

5. I’m in control of this party.

What you do with your health is your choice. I get that now. It is by far your most valuable asset. Spend a few days with chronic illness or a fatal disease and you’ll get it.

I can eat the right foods and do the right thing. Stay away from gluten. Feed my body foods rich in prebiotics and probiotics.

Or I can eat garbage and be miserable and susceptible to illness.

It’s that simple and doesn’t even seem like a choice to me. Food doesn’t control us. Sure, they make it addictive on purpose. But knowing that makes me even more determined and knowledge is power after all.

You may be asking at this point how I did it.

  • I found a good quality probiotic – refrigerated, the right number of bacteria, not cheap.
  • I eat as many probiotic foods as I can. Sign up for my Probiotic and Prebiotic Foods Guide by clicking HERE.
  • I eat prebiotic foods to feed my good bacteria.
  • I am a huge supporter of apple cider vinegar. I do a teaspoon or two in water…every…single…day.

And a side note, if I didn’t have so many food allergies which severely limit me, I would also heavily embrace fermented foods which are very important for gut healing.

Will you have the same results? There's no way of knowing unless you try. Grab the guide, do the work, and give it a chance.

You may have a new life ahead of you!

Suzanne's Bio:

Suzanne Proksa is a Health and Business Coach who has a passion for helping women create a system to regain control of their health, weight, energy, and confidence. Suzanne has “been there and done that,” having battled weight issues and chronic illness for years herself while working in the business world.

Suzanne also shares another passion in the role of Business Presence Coach helping business owners develop a system to skyrocket their visibility and sales through the power of social media and web presence.

Suzanne is a Certified Health and Wellness Coach, an AADP Certified Holistic Health Practitioner, a PHR and SHRM-CP Certified Human Resource Professional with over 16 years of Human Resources experience, a Huffington Post Contributor, and the Founder of Holistic Health and Wellness Innovations and SuzPro. Suzanne also holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Human Resource Management.

~Visit Suzanne's website at http://suzpro.com.

~Request to join my Facebook group for women in business looking for support in health and business at http://group.healthandbusinessintandem.com.

~Follow my podcast at http://podcast.suzpro.com.

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