5 Things Women Must Do To Achieve What They Really Want

5 Things Women Must Do To Achieve What They Really Want
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You deserve to have what you want. Grasp that, believe it and read on.

If you’re like many, many women, you understand and perform the caretaker role and attempt to achieve perfection in the various areas of your life. Perhaps you think that more hard work will get you where you want to go, if you even know where that is, and you hope your work will be noticed and the payoff will come. But what happens when it doesn't come because you’ve been busy taking care of everyone else and neglecting yourself? I repeat, you deserve to have what you want.

Here are five things women must do to achieve what they really want drawn from the book, Permission Granted by Marcia Coné, out in paperback today.

1. Get clear about what you want

How can you get “there” if you don’t know what “there” is? You need to be specific and do some digging to define what is important to you and what success means to you.

2. Identify what holds you back from getting what you want

Once you know where you want to go, you need to take time to figure out what’s stopping you from getting there. The only way to clear hurdles and forge your path is to know where you’re heading and then understand what road blocks you’re facing.

3. Clearing myths, blocks and I can't or I shouldn't

Do you find yourself waiting to get recognized and rewarded? Do you find yourself saying, “I can’t” or “I shouldn’t”? You have to uncover what untruths you’re telling yourself, what myths you’re buying into that are blocking your path to personal success.

4. Embracing change by setting your own expectations and performance measures

To achieve what you really want, be ready for change and if you view change as a negative, instead welcome it and grab hold of what’s to come. Goals need to be measurable and you’re in charge. Create the metrics of success for you, they don’t need to fit anyone else, only you. What does getting what you really want look like, feel like, sound like? How will you know when you’ve gotten it?

5. Taking actionable steps toward what they want

Now you’ve got a plan, a map, a destination that you can envision. It can be overwhelming to look forward at a large goal but when you break it down to manageable steps, it’s not so scary or daunting anymore. How you spend your minutes and your days is how you spend your years, so take daily actions toward your goals and commit to yourself.

To achieve what you really want, you must give yourself permission to go for it. When we are clear about what we want deep down, the path to getting there is also clear, then we give ourselves permission to actionable steps.

Permission Granted by Marcia Coné provides readers with the experience of giving themselves permission to move forward in life, at work, at home. It’s a book targeted to women in leadership (and what woman isn't in leadership?) and is a useful guide for anyone looking to define and achieve what’s in their hearts.

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