5 Ways Authors Can Promote Their Books

So you've written a book demonstrating your authority in your field of expertise. Great! Now you want people to read it. In addition to announcing your book's release in a syndicated Press Release, don't forget these effective ways to get the word ou
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So you've written a book demonstrating your authority in your field of expertise. Great! Now you want people to read it.

In addition to announcing your book's release in a syndicated Press Release, don't forget these effective ways to get the word out:

Mailing List

If your company website has an option for subscribers to provide you their emails to receive newsletters, special promotions, and other announcements from your company, you should also use this list to promote your upcoming/published book. As these are the people who probably have the most interest in your business--giving you their email is tantamount to giving you a solid sales lead--they are more likely to read it.

This is also a great opportunity to ask your subscribers to share news about your book release with their sphere of influence (friends, followers, their own subscribers, et al). To encourage them to do so, you might offer them an incentive, such as special discount pricing on your product/service or a chance to win a free copy of your book.

Social Media

Social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc. are a powerful means of spreading the word about your book. To build anticipation, you can start posting about your upcoming publication on your social media feeds weeks before its release.

But don't promote too frequently, as this may turn off potential readers, annoyed when seeing your book plugs over-repeated in their feeds throughout the day.

Best practice is to post 1-2 times a day two weeks prior to your book's release, then 3X a day on the date of your book's release and throughout the following week: once in the morning, afternoon, and evening. You can vary these times on different days, posting a little earlier or later, at your discretion.

Adding appealing visual media to your posts--e.g., a related image or video--will make them more eye-catching to your followers who are likely scrolling through many other posts appearing in their feeds. Remember, the goal is to generate both awareness and enthusiasm for your book.


Influencers are individuals or entities who can impact the decisions of others because of their authority, knowledge, status, or trusted relationship.

While they can be a celebrity or journalist, they can also be just an average person with the right connections and social sway in your industry. As such, these people are a powerful resource to help publicize your book through their own media channels, reaching numerous potential readers you may not otherwise have access to. Allying yourself with influencers can hugely increase the number of people who not only know about your book, but buy it.


Early reviews from magazines, newspapers, websites, and TV programs can be extremely beneficial in publicizing your book. To get somebody from the media to review your release, and maybe even do an interview with you, first contact them to find out if they would be interested in doing so. (Do not send your book to anybody without their consent.) Query venues whose audience caters to your field of expertise.

A positive review can dramatically boost the visibility of your book--and you. You can also use quotes from the reviews as blurbs in any ads you run, product descriptions, and in/on the book itself.

Amazon Promotions

If your book is enrolled in Amazon's Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP) Select program--where you sell your book exclusively through Amazon--you can take advantage of their promotional tools.

  • Kindle Countdown Deal: Create excitement by scheduling a time-based promotional discount for your book. Customers will see the discount and the time remaining at that price level.

  • Free Book Promotion: Make your book free to readers worldwide for a limited time. (The more people who read your book, the more customer reviews you're likely to get and the more prospects you could attract to your business.)
  • Ad Campaign: Advertise your book on Amazon.com (U.S.). You set the budget, targeting, and timing of your campaign, and you pay only when customers click on your ads.
  • Using a combination of the above promotional methods, or all of them, will better ensure your book gets noticed.

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