8 Exercises That Help Your Mental Health And Depression

8 Exercises That Help Your Mental Health And Depression
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Are you suffering from mental health problems? Do you constantly feel depressed or anxious? If your answer to either one of these two questions is yes, you should definitely keep on reading this article. In the paragraphs below, we will present no less than eight exercises, destined to help you improve your mental health and fight problems, such as depression, in an efficient manner. Keep in mind that you are the only one who can make a change for the better, fighting such problems, without feeling discouraged or tempted to quit.

#1 Yoga

The ancient practice of yoga can have a wonderful effect when it comes to mental health, being beneficial not only for those who suffer from depression but also for those diagnosed with anxiety or neurosis. Practiced on a regular basis, it reduces the overall levels of stress, helping the practitioner reach new levels of mindfulness. At the same time, it can improve the overall cognitive functioning, so you do not have to ask yourself how to improve memory anymore. Yoga allows one to concentrate on breathing while slowing down and calming an otherwise agitated mind.

#2 Running

For a long time now, doctors have drawn attention to the benefits of running, especially about the health of the heart. However, it was only recently that running began to be presented as a solution for those dealing with mental health problems. Practiced on a regular basis, running can improve one’s general mood, as it stimulates the release of happiness hormones (serotonin, dopamine) at the level of the brain. Moreover, running allows one to easily enter into a state of relaxation, eliminating negative or repetitive thoughts without any effort whatsoever.

#3 Hiking

The connection between man and nature has always been strong, ever since the ancient of times. Nowadays, we are often suffocated by modern technology and forget how important it can be to reconnect with nature. Hiking is a great way to improve your perspective on life and fight problems such as anxiety or depression. When you find yourself in the forest, taking all that fresh air in, you are actually calming your mind and re-discovering the things that are important in life. Nature immersion is an excellent therapy for mental health problems, so do not hesitate to try out hiking on a regular basis. You will see that you feel less anxious or depressed; moreover, you will enjoy better cognitive functioning.

#4 Walking

If you are sedentary and already dealing with mental health problems, you might want to consider walking. This is the simplest form of physical exercise, yet it is highly beneficial for mental health, helping you fight the symptoms of depression in an efficient manner. It is easy to perform, improving your mental wellbeing and quieting down those upsetting thoughts. When you take a nature walk, for example, you are not only filling your lungs but also your brain with oxygen. Healthy neurotransmitters are released in the brain, improving your overall mood and helping you feel better in an instant.

#5 Swimming

Remember when you were a little kid and you could not wait to get to the pool? Return to those happy times as an adult and try swimming, as it is an excellent exercise for both the body and the brain. We all enjoy being in the water, having the most relaxing time while swimming. While you are swimming, you are too busy concentrating on the activity at hand, so negative thoughts are instantly eliminated. Moreover, swimming is beneficial for the body as well, helping you maintain an excellent level of fitness.

#6 Gym training

Visiting a gym might seem like a difficult thing at first but, as you will get accustomed to the routine, you will definitely notice how beneficial it actually is, for both the body and the mind. Gym training allows you to get into a routine; as you work on training the body, you are changing your perspective and forget about negative thoughts. Moreover, it is an excellent opportunity for social interaction, which has been shown to have positive effects on mental health as well.

#7 Cycling

Cycling is one of the most interesting physical activities in which you can engage yourself, boosting mental health as well. First of all, it helps you release stress in an efficient manner. Second, it stimulates the release of happiness hormones at the level of the brain, and it also allows you think more clearly (no more negative thoughts to bring you down). It motivates you, improving the overall cognitive functioning and it even has a positive influence on reasoning and problem-solving skills. However, if you feel like you would need an additional boost, you can consider taking brain supplements.

#8 Dancing

Dancing is one of the pleasures of life and, at the same time, an excellent type of physical exercise. When you hear your favorite music, and you begin moving your body in that rhythm, nothing else matters. You are transported into another world and, suddenly, your negative thoughts are no longer important. Dancing increases the level of self-esteem, being particularly recommended to those who suffer from anxiety or depression. It is fun, easy and allows you to get in touch with your relaxed side. What more to wish for?

In conclusion, these are eight different types of physical exercise, in which you can engage and fight mental health problems, including depression, anxiety, and bipolar disorders. Do not hesitate to give all of them a try and see which one works the best for your own individual situations.


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