9 Questions You Should Know About Your Health and Fitness

9 Questions You Should Know About Your Health and Fitness
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1. What’s the best way to maintain your weight?

  • Consistency
  • Counting calories
  • Trend diets
  • Counting fiber

Consistency. A sustainable consistent plan helps regulate hormones. Noting that counting calories, fiber and trend diets can work but no matter what the behavior, consistency is key.

2. Should you weigh yourself daily or weekly?

Daily or Weekly

Daily. Self-monitoring catching weight gains of 3-5 pounds before they get discouraging is a key to successful maintenance. Although major weight loss companies like Weight-Watchers say you should only weigh in weekly.. research from Cornell and Duke Universities say daily is better.

College freshman who were told to weigh themselves daily during their first 12 weeks of classes found they did not put on the freshman 15 weight gain. Their classmates who didn’t weigh themselves, put on an average of 5 pounds — typical for pizza-loving freshmen.

In a two-year study of 162 overweight and obese gym members, those asked to weigh themselves daily and chart the results were more likely to lose significant weight and then keep it off.

3. What is the calorie intake for men or women?

  • 2000 for women and 2500 for men
  • Based on your age
  • Based on your weight
  • Based on your age, weight and activity level.

BMR (basal metabolic rate) changes as you lose weight. It slows down as you age because of lost muscle mass due to human growth hormone decline. The general rule is your weight times 10 to understand your body’s daily BMR - And if you want to lose 30 pounds or more of weight, you should make regular exercise part of your lifestyle.

4. What are the technologies that can help you lose weight?

  • Playing Video games
  • Activity tracking apps
  • Looking at food pictures

Compelling visuals push food images of out mind, dampening the craving power and helping people lose weight. Activity trackers are helpful in people understanding how much they are moving or not throughout the day.

5. Can Cheat Days help your diet?

  • No
  • Yes

A low carb diet promotes fat loss but can reduce hormonal leptin production increasing feelings of hunger. So actually having a cheat day, morning is the best time to consumer those extra carbs which are key to successful cheat days.

6. Can stretching before your workout prevent injuries?

  • No
  • Yes

Research continues to show that static stretching the body before a workout can be detrimental to your muscles and joints. Warming up the body and performing dynamic stretches will help prepare the body effectively.

7. If you have gained weight rather than lost pounds, then the exercise you are doing is not working.

  • True
  • False

False. Putting on weight can actually be a good sign! You may have decreased your body fat while adding lean muscle - both signs that you're headed in the right direction. Scales aren't necessarily good indicators of your fitness level, so instead of worrying about the scale, concentrate on body part measurements and your body fat percentage.

8. Exercise must be intense in order to lose weight?

  • True
  • False

Moderate daily activity is more effective than 2-3x week of 60-90 minute works. You don’t have to have sore muscles to make them stronger.

9. Whats the best time of day to workout?

  • Morning
  • Afternoon
  • Evening

People who workout first thing in the morning are more likely to continue with their workout program. Evening workouts may excite the body and may make sleep an issue. Due to the circadian rhythms of the day, afternoon is the best time for workouts when cortisol levels are highest. Exercise helps reduce cortisol levels caused by stress and normal hormonal daily responses.

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