9 Reasons You Should Find Yourself a Nice Little Job in a Cubicle Farm Somewhere

9 Reasons You Should Find Yourself a Nice Little Job in a Cubicle Farm Somewhere
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Passionate as I am about entrepreneurship, I do not recommend it for everyone. No indeed. The risks and pitfalls of entrepreneurship are simply too great to work for any and all.

The fact is, entrepreneurship is not for everyone. It's not even for most people.

Most people are much better off dwelling in their cubicle, putting in their hours, and doing their jobs. So much of the entrepreneurship literature today is about "screwing the nine-to-five" or "escaping the cubicle."

Maybe, for you, though, it's better to find yourself a nice little job in a cubicle farm somewhere.

1. You're happy.

The fact is, there are a lot of really discontented people in the world today. If you are one of the rare ones who is content with your job, your pay, your position, your boss, your coworkers, your office chair, your corporate environment, and the color of the cubicle walls, then stay. You've got something good going on. Don't mess it up.

2. You like your boss.

This is another win for remaining in cubicle land. Decent bosses are hard to come by. Great bosses are a rare breed indeed! Pat yourself on the back for having a great relationship, and don't think about quitting.

3. You need some experience.

Recent college grads would do well to spend some time in a cubicle farm. Establishing experience and familiarity with the corporate grind is a great way to decide whether you love it or loathe it.

4. It's fun to decorate a cubicle.

Seriously. If you haven't googled "pimp your cubicle" recently, do it now. You'll have Buzzfeed articles, lifehacker tips, and Pinterest pins galore. Browse around and get some ideas that 1) won't' get you into trouble, and 2) will make your colleagues envious. Chances are you spend more time in your cubicle than in your living room, so it's worth it to buy some decor and make it an enjoyable place to be.

5. A cubicle is actually kind of a nice place to work.

You wouldn't believe how many entrepreneurs are working from their parents' basement, from coffee shops, or from their apartments. While remote working is a great option for many, it offers a lot of distractions. There's something comforting, familiar, and predictable about working in a corporate cubicle environment.

6. You have external motivation for coming into work each day.

With your job, you have a boss, a paycheck, vacation time, and set working hours. This provides you with the structure you need to get your butt in your chair and do your work. Some of us need this kind of motivation. Many entrepreneurs, including the work-from-home crowd, have to find some other source of motivation for getting out of bed and making money. Not you!

7. Your hours are predictable.

There's so much unpredictability in life that it's kind of nice to have at least something predictable to lean on. A typical corporate cubicle job offers just that level of predictability. Many of us are struggling with a lot of other things in life, that we simply need to do our job and rest in the predictability. And that's okay.

8. There are lots of people to hang out with that are just like you.

An entrepreneur's life can be lonely. Even though cubicle farms offer their own brand of loneliness, it's less likely to happen. If you need a smile, a chat, or someone other than your cat to talk with, all it takes is a quick wander around the cubicle farm.

9. Coffee is usually free.

Hey! Not everyone gets free coffee. It might not compete with the quality level and cream quantity of your local coffee shop, but you can't beat free, right?


When you read this list, you had one of two reactions:

  1. Reaction #1: Wow. That's awful. I don't want to work in a cubicle farm.
  2. Reaction #2: Yes. That's me. I really should find and keep a great cubicle job.
The fact is, traditional corporate jobs -- the cubicle farms -- are not inherently bad. For some people, this is exactly the kind of work and environment that they need. It offers a place of personal development, a steady income, and the predictable routines and work that they prefer.

There are those among us, however, who wouldn't dream of spending the rest of our careers cooped up in a cubicle. That's fine, too.

If you prefer to reject the cubicle and become a digital nomad, and entrepreneur, or some other variation on that concept, be prepared for a life of uncertain income, a little too much adventure, and the risks and rewards of self-reliance.

You need to find the situation and lifestyle that works for you.

Entrepreneurship has worked for me. What works for you?

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