A German Love Letter to Americans

A German Love Letter to Americans
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Dear Americans,

This is a love letter to you from a German baby boomer, who came to the USA in the 1970's. Back then, I studied at Trinity University in San Antonio, Texas, and totally fell in love with you. It's true. I love Americans. I love your boldness, your openness, your beauty, your intelligence, your courage and your ability to be real!

When I left Germany to study in America, I was desperate to get away from the trauma in my native country. Having been born in 1950's Germany was definitely a hardship. However, now, so many years later, I have an amazing life here in my home country, in large part because of you.

This is because, dear Americans, you showed me that a good life is possible if you just "go for it." In a noble way, of course! You opened your arms to embrace me and you gave me sunshine and music and even a convertible classic which often took me all the way from San Antonio to LA on the 10 freeway. I learned from you how to sleep under the stars in Arizona, and run on the beach in Santa Monica. I learned about Tarot cards in the Hollywood Hills, and how to make friends with ease. All of this, I learned 40 years ago!

But like every love relationship, sometimes things go awry.
Now, after I have been in love with you for so long, I am hearing things from you I do not like. And, to be perfectly honest, it may rattle our friendship.

Why, you ask??

Because I question how it is possible that so many of you beautiful, well-educated men and women tell me the following phrase:
"I do not believe in Trump, but I hate Hillary."

People have uttered this phrase or one similar with
such a bitter, almost victimized tone and appearance that I think I am watching a parody. I am trying to understand what you mean.

You use this word, "hate." What is this? I do not understand its meaning. I may not like a person, but hate is not anything that I can fathom.

Hillary Rodham Clinton has worked all her life and has been in public service so that you can have a good life today.

And thus, I plead with you. Please do not allow an aggressive, vulgar and obviously beyond stupid someone named Trump ruin your beautiful America.

Should the un-thinkable happen, and Trump win the presidency, I am certain that the whole world will either be afraid of you, or more likely make fun of you because you would have an impossible "leader" sitting in the most powerful office in the world.

My dear Americans, let our love affair continue. I want to see your brightness, soulful beauty, strength, shining intelligence, and your open and attractive smiles.
You are terrific, awesome, brilliant and yes, wunderbar!

So please, "go for it." Vote for Hillary. And I will love you forever.

Your friend from Cologne, Germany,
Anne Biging
CEO Healing Hotels of the World

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