A New Year with a New Mindset in 7 Easy Steps

A New Year with a New Mindset in 7 Easy Steps
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Creating a vibrant and rich new year should not be complicated. All it takes is a little bit of time set aside to reflect on 2017 to figure out what you would like to change for 2018.Sure, you are probably saying to yourself that you did this last year and maybe you saw more failures than successes when it came to achieving your goals. Well, just know that it doesn't have to be this way. This year you can set goals for the new year and not fall off the wagon by February like you did last year. We get it, falling off your path happens–but it doesn’t have to be that way. All you need is a bit of a mindset adjustment.

In 6 simple steps, you can completely change your mindset to actually stick with your goals this year.


If someone is telling you that you should make goals in the new year, the chances of you actually achieving them aren’t likely. It is like most things in life if you aren't committing to them for yourself or on your own then more times than not you won't accomplish your goals. I am totally not trying to be mean here, is it just the truth and you probably need to hear the truth if you keep dropping your goals. So if you don’t make the goal or change something for the better on your own, there is no need for you to read any further.

However, if you are going to make the decision on your own to make some changes, then first off–congrats. The key is to not bite off more than you can chew. Narrow down goals you want to accomplish in the new year to one or two major goals you’d like to see accomplished this year.

Write Them Down

Now that you have goals, let's take the next step to make them happen. Don’t just tell yourself what you want to accomplish–write them down. Writing something down makes it more permanent. It also works as a great visual cue that offers you reminders as to what you are striving for.


A great way to assess your goals as you are writing them down is to put them through the SMART technique to increase your chances of success.






The SMART format significantly increases your chances of achieving your goals by making sure your goal has all of the components listed in the SMART technique. When using the SMART technique be prepared to ask yourself a lot of questions. Knowing the answers to your questions will help you fine-tune your strategy, ensuring that your goals are actually obtainable goals.

Be realistic, be positive and have a plan.

To Share or Not to Share (that is the question)

When it comes to talking about your goals, it is important to be strategic with whom you want to share your goals with. If you think there is (or are) someone that would react negatively to your goal, then do not tell them. Listening to people critique your goals can lead to making you second guess yourself. Make sure the people you share them with are going to be supportive, motivating and help keep you on track.

Keep in mind that all goals aren’t made for sharing. You don’t have to share your goals with anyone. Period. This is your journey. Setting yourself up for success is all you need.

Creating a Plan

Remember, you don’t need to overcomplicate your goals. The most important part is setting yourself up for success. This is the way you set yourself up for success. Your plan for success should be as simple as:

  • Creating the plan on how to achieve your goal
  • Creating systems that support your goal
  • Creating milestones or check-ins to track your progress

What if You Fail?

Hey, things happen and life happens. It is not the end of the world if you get off track or don’t achieve your goals. The important thing to remember is how you react and move forward. Always, remember how far you have come. Remembering how far you have come is your main motivation to get back on the horse and keep going. Knowing that even if you didn’t achieve your goal in your set time frame, doesn’t mean you can’t still accomplish it. Keep at it and maybe create a new timeline for it (or not). Take the time to analyze why you think you might have failed and taken that into consideration for the future of completing your goals.

Frickin' Celebrate!

Give yourself all the high fives in the world or set up a reward for yourself. You have come a long way in your journey. It is important to acknowledge all of your hard work, dedication, and successes. Celebrate all of the milestones and don't feel silly doing it. If you are daring, set yourself some new goals. I mean why not? You are a goal slaying machine in 2018!

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