Addicted to deception

Addicted to deception
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We need to explain to ourselves the world around us as to be able to withstand the emotional impact of our living conditions. Therefore: We live inside our explanation of reality and we decided based on a narrative of facts. We do not make decisions based on facts, we decide base on a personal explanation of the facts. For that reason, sometimes, our decisions intend to support and sustain our personal narrative of the circumstances instead of resolving them. Why do we cling to our interpretation of reality? Why do we become addicted to our inner landscape? Because our emotional connections (chemical process) constitutes the primary reference for our behaviors; it guides us depending on what gratifies us and pushes us away from what threatens us or scares us. We cling to our narratives to preserve the emotional intensity of particular stimuli. In this way, we become addicted to our inner landscape to maintain the chemistry (emotions) that gratifies or protects us when facing the events. Why do we protect our explanations of reality beyond the truth circumstances? What is the benefit of this self-deception? Self-deception is less emotionally traumatic than disappointment.

Disappointment is more costly for our emotions rather than accept deception.

We have become locked in a survival and automatic mode because we have become addicted to the chemical rewards (emotional connection) of our inner landscape. In this way, we prefer to safeguard our narratives based on the past rather than creating new possible explanations. Why? The chemistry of the new, many times, is intolerable for people and that is why they prefer to stay in the chemistry of the past. The chemistry of the past, though in a fictitious (and often painful) way, is a safer place than the uncertainty of discovery.

Transform your inner landscape

You live inside your creation. For this reason, the options you choose in your life open or close your possibilities to well-being and growth. All your outer movements arise from your inner landscape. For that reason, your options depend on your inner landscape and not on the characteristics of the external world.

If you are overwhelmed by your present conditions, it is because you have run out of an outlook on life which includes a variety of options and chances. The oppression of the present is related to your emotional connection struggling with daily events. The oppression in your life is due to the lack of options. These “options” are the choices that define your emotional state regarding the external world and events. The options are related to the quality of your inner landscape.

The transformation of your inner landscape involves your responsibility of the steps you take to expand your decision possibilities. These choices are related to your perception of the world. The transformation of your inner landscape refers to the ability to develop more choices when confronted with different situations. The battle is fought within you because you must emotionally expand your possibilities of life to extend your alternative movements in the external world. If you want to change your oppression, you must change your landscape.

Go into your landscape, the next battles will emerge from the subtleties of simple movements: introduce something new in your life, renew the routine of your paths and follow your inspiration in everyday decisions.

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