After Cologne, We Can't Let The Bigots Steal Feminism

Why can't we always take sexual assault as seriously as we do when migrants and Muslims are involved as perpetrators?
BODO MARKS via Getty Images

In a perverse sort of way, it's progress. After months of dog-whistle xenophobia, European authorities have finally started to treat migrants as they would treat any other citizen. They have achieved this by choosing not to make a fuss when migrants are accused of raping and assaulting women.

On New Year's Eve in Cologne, Germany, hundreds of men, almost all of reportedly 'Arabic and North African' appearance and including many asylum seekers, viciously attacked women who were celebrating in the central plaza, robbing and groping and tearing off clothes. At least one rape complaint has been filed. The police and the press were initially slow to react, and the Mayor of Cologne reacted to eventual protests by suggesting that women should adopt a code of conduct in public and keep an ‘arm’s length’ distance between themselves and strange men.

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