Ali MacGraw's 'Absurd' Fear About Ex-Husband Steve McQueen (VIDEO)

Ali MacGraw's 'Absurd' Fear About Ex-Husband Steve McQueen

The 1970s were incredibly busy for Hollywood actress Ali MacGraw. Professionally, she had skyrocketed to international fame in the movie "Love Story," and went on to star in two more major hits during that decade. One of those films was "The Getaway," where MacGraw worked alongside screen icon Steve McQueen. MacGraw was married to producer Robert Evans at the time, but ended up falling for her co-star -- and McQueen became her third husband in 1973.

Five years later, MacGraw and McQueen would divorce, after a tumultuous relationship.

Looking back on her marriages, MacGraw now says she is saddened by her post-divorce relationship with McQueen, who died in 1980, two years after they split. It's especially sad for MacGraw when she considers what happened with her first two husbands in the years following their respective break-ups.

"I married some wonderful men, and the ones that are alive are my friends -- real friends," MacGraw says in the above video from "Super Soul Sunday."

Unfortunately, MacGraw was never able to experience this type of renewed friendship with McQueen. "Steve McQueen is dead for 30-some-odd years, and it's very sad to me that as sober, grown-up, nonsexually connected beings, we didn't get to sit down and clean it all," she says.

With the wisdom that comes from both maturity and time, MacGraw is now able to articulate one of the issues that she would have wanted to clear with her ex.

"I was always afraid he'd leave me," she says of McQueen. "I mean, it was this absurd... I don't know what I thought, except that I wasn't real."

In the video below, MacGraw explains the one reason why all three of her marriages ended in divorce.

More from Oprah's interview with MacGraw:

The new season of "Super Soul Sunday" begins Sunday, Feb. 8, at 11 a.m. ET on OWN. Find OWN on your TV.

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Ali MacGraw's Style Evolution

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