An Open Letter to College Graduates

An Open Letter to College Graduates
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Dear Student No More,

You are a gift. You’re passionate, eager, alive, ready to conquer the world. You look to your future with great focus and untapped enthusiasm. Never lose this sense of awe; let it be your compass forward.

Don’t ever listen to the ones who say it can’t be done. That is simply their limitation, not yours. Make it your full-time mission to believe in you! You may meet people who won’t understand your enthusiasm. They won’t comprehend your passion, and that's okay. It’s not for them. Your joy is for you. Don’t take it personally—people are just scared of what they don’t understand.

Never get so comfortable that you forget to keep yourself challenged. Always go for what you really want; don’t just settle for what you think you can get. Always reach higher, always go bigger. You are more capable than you give yourself credit for, so go for it every time.

Carve out the path that feels best to you. You are here to live in your joy, to shine your magnificent light and to make your mark on this world. Please, my dear, don’t shy away from your potential. Not now, not ever.

Whenever you feel the fear, this is an indicator you are close to a breakthrough. Always push forward and you will succeed.

You will be successful when you clearly define what success means to you. I hope you soon learn that money, fame, and power are always fleeting, but the joy you feel that comes from doing what you love with people you love is the best barometer for a life well lived.

Let joy be your highest form of success. The more fulfillment you feel in your life, the more abundant you will be. The more you follow your heart, the richer your life will be.

Don't forget to take time for you. Travel to the places you keep thinking about. Let yourself dream every day. Share your heart with people who get you. Let love in.

My dear graduate, there will be times when you feel misunderstood, alone, confused, and even unsure. These moments are part of your bigger outcome. Your divine destination charted by you.

You get to write your own story; you are the master of your own creative adventure. Be relentless in the pursuit of what sets your soul on scorching fire. It is never too late to redirect, refocus, and revise your life plan—it’s your masterpiece, after all.

Surround yourself with people who celebrate you and support your highest potential. Stay close to the people who love you as you are instead of who they think you need to be.

Don’t back away from greatness, for it is already within you. Always trust the process and know that you are can never make a wrong turn. There are no mistakes, only learning. Every choice you make will lead you into clarity, for even in the contrast, you will always get what you need.

It takes courage to follow through on your passion. It requires a dedication to doing what you love, but you are ready. This world needs you. We need your passion, your love, your devotion, skills, talents, point of view, and beautiful heart.

The world is waiting for you. We need you to be all of you, to rise to each occasion with your heart wide open, ready to impact the world, one loving action and one kind thought at a time.

Dear graduate, the world is a better place with you in it. It’s time for you to really know this, to feel this, and believe in your greatness.

It’s time to jump.

Spread your wings

… and fly.

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