An Open Letter To My Future Son and Daughter

An Open Letter To My Future Son and Daughter
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Dear Future Son and Daughter,

First to my son. May you grow up to be a strong, but humble man. A man who loves others with an open heart and is not afraid to show it. A man who has a silent strength about him, but yet a warm and soft approach to making an impact on the world.

I hope for you to treat all others, especially the special women in your life, with respect and honesty. I want for you to realize that being vulnerable does not make you weak and acting tough does not make you a man. You are truly a man when you are able to put others before yourself, treat each person with dignity and respect, and defend those in need. You are truly a man when you realize emotions are healthy and you do not have to hold it together all the time.

Please know that you can do anything you want in this life, but never forget to love along the way. A love that lasts a lifetime is the most cherished gift so never get lost in your career and miss out on that. Prioritize, cherish and forever honor that love. Be a man of your word and make sure the people who love you can rely on you. Never abandon them or walk away from your promises. Give your heart, but only when you know you can receive the other persons and take care of it the way it deserves.

Most of all know you are loved, even in your weak moments. Know that it is okay to ask for help and to not have it all figured out. Know that it is okay to put your heart on the line and share your emotions with others. Be an example to the men below you that being a man is not about physical strength or control over others; being a man is about leading, loving, and learning.

To my son, be a man worth knowing, and man worth loving, and a man worth remembering.

Now to my daughter. May you grow up to be a courageous, adventurous, and kind woman. A woman who sets out each day on a bold mission to live her life to the fullest and to never let someone else hold her back. A woman who carries herself with humble confidence and never puts others down to boost herself up.

I hope for you to love yourself first, truly and without question. I want for you to realize that you can do anything in this world and no one has the ability to tell you otherwise. I want you to know that being a woman is not about looking a certain way or finding a husband, but rather is about the welcoming spirit you create for others and the love you give to the world. Being a woman is both strong, but gentle. Kind, but protective. Feminine, but masculine. Beautiful, but messy too.

Please know that you are enough. You are so much more than enough. Never let someone else take that belief from you. Never let someone else make you feel less than or unworthy. You are beautiful, loveable, and destined for greatness. You get to decide what your life looks like and what you cherish, but remember to find love in whatever it is that you choose. A love that you deserve and a love that honors and cherishes you.

Most of all never hold yourself back. Never doubt that you can make a difference in this world. Never doubt what you deserve. Don’t settle for anything less and don’t ever make excuses for letting someone treat you in a way you don’t deserve. Hold your head high and help those around you do the same. Cherish all the women in your life and celebrate them for their uniqueness.

To my daughter, be a woman worth knowing, a woman worth loving, and a woman worth remembering.

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