An Open Letter to Vice President-elect Pence, Speaker Ryan, and the Members of the U.S. Congress: A Clear and Present Danger

An Open Letter to Vice President-elect Pence, Speaker Ryan, and the Members of the U.S. Congress: A Clear and Present Danger
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Dear Vice President-elect Pence, Speaker Ryan, and members of the United States Congress,

I am writing on behalf of millions of concerned American citizens regarding the incoming President, Donald J. Trump. This letter is not in allegiance to any political affiliation as I truly believe the time for partisan politics and an “us versus them” mentality is over.

Mr. Trump represents a clear and present danger to the United States of America, its Constitution, and We the People. Mr. Trump’s fitness for the office has been debated for months: at the time of the primaries, prior to the general election in November, before the Electoral College vote in December, and now in the days leading up to his Inauguration.

At this point in time, the stability, security, and well-being of our Country now rests in your hands, Mr. Pence, as Vice President, and in the hands of Congressional leadership. As you are well aware, the 25th Amendment to our Constitution allows for the removal of an unfit President through agreement between the Vice President and a majority of Congress (or members of the Cabinet).

It is time for those of you with the authority to take action to recognize that Mr. Trump MUST be treated as if he has a debilitating neurological/psychological condition that prevents him from effectively governing.

Mr. Trump’s extreme narcissism, which has been on display for the world to see every day since he announced his candidacy, has put him out of touch with reality. He does not possess the reason or insight to make decisions on behalf of approximately 330 million Americans because of his need to appease a rabid hunger for self-exultation. In true narcissistic form, he will stop at nothing to protect his view of himself and to shield him from criticism of any kind.

In short, Mr. Trump rewrites real life events to suit the fantasy that he has created. One simply cannot govern within our world when he is living in his own world.

The frightening part of his narcissism is that he believes his world is real and, as such, does not see or understand the concept of “truth” the way millions of others do.

In this fantasy world, he sits in the center, his achievements are “the best,” he is above the law (see both observed and perceived ties to foreign governments while still a private citizen, refusal to submit tax returns, refusal to divest prior to taking office), he is blameless, and he is always looking for praise and adulation (even if it comes from a dictator like Vladimir Putin). When was the last time a President-elect spent a significant amount of time on a self-proclaimed Victory tour?

For him to get this far in business and now as a President elect, Mr. Trump has created an insulated bubble to protect his unfit, ill-qualified, fragile ego from criticism. If a critic is persistent, whether it be the Press, or you, Mr. Pence, or you, Mr. Speaker, or a foreign or domestic figure, it is highly likely that Mr. Trump will undermine you and seek some form of narcissistic vengeance. His use of Twitter clearly shows this vindictive nature.

In closing, I would like to highlight the concern in my writing this letter and this concern is based on a large body of scientific, psychological, and medical literature.

There is no limit to the point to which a narcissist will go to maintain his fantasy.

This IS the world from which he operates. He cannot be reasoned with and his delusional behavior is dangerous to millions.

I ask that you consider initiating Section Four of the 25th Amendment as soon as possible after Inauguration Day before the pillars upon which this Nation was built are irreversibly damaged by an unstable man.


Seth D. Norrholm, PhD

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