Anita Hill Speaks Out On Clarence Thomas Scandal: 'Giving Up Was Not An Option'

Anita Hill: 'Giving Up Was Not An Option'

Anita Hill made waves in the early '90s when she accused Clarence Thomas, her former boss and George Bush's Supreme Court appointee, of sexually harassing her. In anticipation of her recently released documentary "Anita," Hill spoke to HuffPost Live's Ahmed Shihab-Eldin about how she made it through that trying time.

"My parents raised 13 children -- my mother was born in 1911, my father in 1912 -- they raised almost all of us in segregation with blatant sex discrimination, and they raised us to be strong and to be confident and to do the right thing," she recalled. "And so giving up and saying 'I'm not gonna go forward' -- this was not an option. It's not what they taught me to do, and it's not what I knew to be the best thing to do."

Hill hopes that this documentary can bring the issue of workplace sexual harassment into the national conversation 22-years later, helping future generations of women.

"As long as I believe that we can make things better and that this movie can help, I'm not going to stop," she said.

Watch the rest of Anita Hill's HuffPost Live interview below:

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