Easter Fun: Are Peeps Indestructible?

It was once rumored that Peeps were indestructible. Subjecting the Eastertime confectionary to a microwave, fire, and boiling water, this is what followed,
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It wouldn't be Easter without those strange, little marshmallow concoctions know as "Peeps." This yellow, chick-shaped, seasonal confectionery was first manufactured in 1953 by the Just Born candy company in Bethlehem, Penn. This mad-yellow-delicacy was the brainchild of Russian immigrant Sam Born. He first produced Peeps by painstakingly hand-forming each individual chick. (Talk about a crappy job.) Later, Mr. Born got the idea bright idea of mass producing Peeps on a chick line.

Peeps Fun Facts:

If you spell "Peeps" backwards, you get "Speep." According to the Urban Dictionary, "Speep" refers to the "male queef" -- "the expulsion of a small amount of air from the urethra, exiting the meatus or or 'penis hole.'The term is derived from the distinct, yet faint sound made when one 'speeps.'" (As in the sentence, "Stop acting like a little speep.") Make sure you spell the word in the correct order -- speeps is a hell of a lot different than a tasty Easter basket stuffer.

It was once rumored that Peeps were indestructible. In 1999, scientists at Emory University performed experiments on batches of Peeps to see how easily this Easter candy would disintegrated when faced with the rigors of boiling water and cigarette smoke. The Emory scientists claimed that the eyes of Peeps wouldn't dissolve in any capacity. (Creepy.)

Following in the proud footsteps of these brave Emory scientists, I conducted my own Peep tests. Subjecting the Eastertime confectionary to a microwave, fire, and boiling water, this is what followed:

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