Are You Taking Action to Materialize Creative Visions?

Are You Taking Action to Materialize Creative Visions?
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I royally sucked at romance, (translation: dated emotionally unavailable men) until one day I gave up that BS and drafted a letter to The Universe requesting my soul mate to show up. Quit dating and was literally prepared to be single for the rest of my life if he didn't materialize.

Two months later, a friend from college found me on social media and asked if we could get together for a drink.

Sparks ignited.

Within days we met up and have been inseparable ever since.

So funny though... we'd been close friends for a year and a half during junior college, yet we had never given it a go romantically.

Looking back, I hadn't been ready for the intensity of our love just yet. (Neither had he. The timing was off.)

When I was willing to ask for what I needed from the Universe -- he showed up.

Just like that. Boom.

No more crappy, unfulfilling relationships. No more grasping. I got what I needed when I believed it was possible, set my intent, was 100 percent committed and allowed the gift to emerge.

Manifestation is such a loaded subject. Most people are convinced it's garbage, and those touting the benefits are snake oil salesmen. I'll agree that there are... shall we say, less than stellar examples out there of manifestation "experts" that clearly aren't walking the talk.

But there's universal truth at the core of it.

Because of movies like The Secret, the masses got all pumped up for a while, thinking they could just go manifest whatever they wanted at the moment. That the Universe was like a convenient store and you could just pop in and bring your purchases to the register.

High magic doesn't work like that.

The process is an alchemical one, meaning that if you feel compelled to take on such advanced methods of creation, you have to devote yourself to study and practice.

Merriam Webster Online cites the full definition of ALCHEMY as:

1: a medieval chemical science and speculative philosophy aiming to achieve the transmutation of the base metals into gold, the discovery of a universal cure for disease, and the discovery of a means of indefinitely prolonging life

2: a power or process of transforming something common into something special

3: an inexplicable or mysterious transmuting

(For our purposes, we'll not be concerning ourselves with part one of the definition, although that's the historical roots of it.)

When we attempt to perform high magic, manifestation, alchemy -- whatever you want to call it -- we must alchemize our internal state in order to prepare to receive or create that which we desire.

The process requires physical, mental, emotional and spiritual purification. I haven't witnessed many people prepared for the work of it.

They just want the end result.

That said, it is a process that can be learned. You must become familiar with altered states and neutralizing emotions and thoughts. You must get total clarity and will yourself to stay there mentally for the duration of the creative process.

There are common requisites for creating something out of nothing, and they can be learned, like anything else. (Know any creatives? They create something from nothing every day.)

And, like anything else, there is misinformation out there to keep the masses busy flailing themselves and then angrily asserting that it was all a sham and doesn't work after all, as they dramatically fling their words at the inert computer screen.


To access our innate power it is necessary to clear away the clutter of the subconscious mind.

This is where it gets good.

Through ritual and mental exercises making use of altered states (it's WAY easier than it sounds) you can unload your mental/emotional, even physical garbage, and be on your merry way to creating your ideal lifestyle externally.

The key is setting the tone internally first.

Just like my experience with landing my perfect mate, I had to just let go of all the letdowns littering my past, the ideas and beliefs surrounding my worthiness, and everything else that was keeping him from showing up.

And just so you know, I was not exactly on top of my alchemy game at that point. (You don't have to be a freakin' Buddhist monk living in the Himalayas to get results.)

Are you ready to exercise your manifestation muscles? To let go, receive your ideal life, and just get on with it? Once you are completely committed, that's when the magic happens.

Consider this quote by William Hutchison Murray:

Until one is committed, there is hesitancy, the chance to draw back, always ineffectiveness.

Concerning all acts of initiative (and creation), there is one elementary truth that ignorance of which kills countless ideas and splendid plans: that the moment one definitely commits oneself, then Providence moves too.

All sorts of things occur to help one that would never otherwise have occurred.

A whole stream of events issues from the decision, raising in one's favor all manner of unforeseen incidents and meetings and material assistance, which no man could have dreamed would have come his way.

Whatever you can do, or dream you can do, begin it. Boldness has genius, power, and magic in it.

Begin it now.

Prepare to completely transform everything.

Did you find this post helpful? Come check out Radiant Life Transformation and prepare to completely transform your life.

Definition source:

Photos by Hartwig HKD and Marty on Flickr here and here.

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