10 Ways To Protect Your Marriage From Divorce

10 Ways To Make Your Marriage Divorceproof

For starters, no public squawking at each other. Read on for a few more smart (and funny) suggestions from these happily wed comedians.
by Samantha Bee and Jason Jones

We have been hitched for almost 10 years now, and until recently our number one piece of advice would have been: Don’t write about how to make your marriage divorceproof. It’s hubris! But we like to take risks (that’s piece of advice number two), so we knocked on wood, threw salt over our shoulders, and forged ahead with all the unstoppable energy that a couple with two kids under the age of five can muster. (Eating a pile of old Halloween candy helped, too.) Ultimately, we came up with this list of marriage rules and reminders—all of which, we hope, are cheaper and more fun than therapy.

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