Barack: Michelle's The Real Change Agent — Not You!

We voted for change! She did it from day one. Where are your fresh faces and ideas?
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I'm beginning to wonder if the only Obama in the White House who's serious about "getting real" and trying to improve the economic lives of average Americans is the First Lady. The President may talk the talk, making speeches about capping executive pay and telling Wall Street and banking execs that this is a new era of responsibility, but is he actually going to walk the walk?

Small as they may be, changes in typical First Lady behavior are sending the right message to the American public. Michelle is redecorating the White House, using Pottery Barn and Anthropologie, two affordable and accessible retailers. She's famously sported reasonably-priced clothing choices from J Crew and White House/Black Market — remember the pretty $148 black and white sundress she wore on "The View?" She's even publicly re-worn her inaugural day teal Jimmy Choo pumps.

Her actions are saying to the American people that yes, the Obama family, as presidential as it is, is just like you. They know the value of a dollar and will not be splurging on fancy furnishings or outfits that they will only wear once. Even when Michelle has dolled up in designer dresses, she has chosen fresh fashion faces, outside the mainstream of the fashion establishment. Isabel Toledo, Jason Wu and Narcisco Rodriguez have replaced such 7th Ave royalty, favored by former First ladies, like Oscar de la Renta, Ralph Lauren and Adolfo. In doing so, she's throwing her economic weight behind newer talents with businesses that have a long way yet to grow.

But her husband, who was overwhelmingly elected on the platform of change, is instead appearing more and more, same old, same old. Here's what I'm wondering — first off: why is he wasting time trying to convince those GOPers who told us to eat trickle-down cake, that they should vote for his stimulus package? Those guys haven't cared about the "little people" i.e. regular American folks earning less than half a mil for the last eight years, why would they start now?

Here's my point, Obama was voted in with a clear consensus already: fix the economy for everyday folks! He doesn't need to get bi-partisan agreement to do it.

And then, if he's so committed to change, why does he have all those same old guys on his economic team that got us into this mess? My personal favorite is Larry Summers, who was a huge proponent of cutting corporate and capital gains taxes, and deregulating derivatives, as main ways to juice economic growth. If those were such great ideas, why didn't most Americans experience real increases in their wages or career opportunities in the past eight years? Why did most American families have to have both parents working to support their families? Why did people resort to credit to try and improve their living standards? And why do we have a subprime disaster?

Then Larry is also the guy who got kicked out of his President of Harvard job because he believes women have a lesser aptitude than men for high levels of math and science. Considering that in these dire economic times, women now make up more of the workforce than men, is Summers really the right person to envision the path to growth and opportunity for that work force?

My second personal favorite is James S. Rubin, an economic headhunter for the Obama team. Frank Rich pointed out in his Feb 8 New York Times op ed, that Rubin is the son of Robert Rubin, the former Clinton Treasury Secretary and Citigroup bank board member. My question is: does James Rubin have incredible credentials on his own to play this role or is a large part of his resume, the fact that he is his well-connected wealthy father's son?

As such, he's just another same old same old political insider like Larry Summers. And if he lives in the world of wealth, he is another one who will never understand the pressures of having to make ends meet, like average Americans. And that's part of the problem.

So where are the Isabel Toledos and Jason Wus in Barack Obama's economic team? He himself doesn't come from a background of privilege and inherited money. He and Michelle are self-made people. Wonderful examples that with hard work , determination and some new ideas and creative thinking you can still make it in America. And you can get the opportunity to change America.

Barack, before it gets too late, get some fresh faces and out-of-the-box thinking about the economy around you. Think Dave's accountant in the movie by Kevin Kline — an ordinary accountants' perspective. Think Harry Markopolos, who tried repeatedly to blow the whistle on Bernie Madoff to the SEC. He's smart, brave and honest and not a proponent of economic theories that proved disastrous. Hire someone who DID foresee the subprime mess. And put someone on your team who has actually created lots of jobs, like Steve Jobs, Larry Page, and Sergey Brin.

It's time to follow your wife's example, and start walking the walk ASAP!

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