How You Can Be A More Conscientious Person -- And Why It's Worth It

How You Can Be A More Conscientious Person -- And Why It's Worth It
19 Mar 2007, Dubai, United Arab Emirates --- Women Listening to an MP3 Player Over Coffee
19 Mar 2007, Dubai, United Arab Emirates --- Women Listening to an MP3 Player Over Coffee

The world could use a little more conscientiousness. It's up to you to actually show up.

In 2015 especially, there's a profound emphasis on multitasking, rapid response and constant communication that most of us have lost the pure ability to think carefully and act intentionally. Carefulness and thoughtfulness can go a long way.

Conscientiousness. The term gets thrown around often in job descriptions, personality assessments and self-improvement tutorials, but what does it truly mean? How can we strive to master it? To be vigilant and aware requires an ability to check in with one's own conscience, beliefs and spiritual fulcrum. The omnipresent distractions of daily life may attempt to get in the way, but it's incredibly important that we at least try to become more present, thoughtful individuals.

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