Beauty Is Blind

Beauty Is Blind
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You are being dragged from a rope behind a truck of what other people think is beautiful.

Why? Because, you are blinded by insecurities.

What you see on social media is what you think the definition of beauty is because that is what society tells us. I need to seek a dimension where beauty isn’t one’s number one ambition because that is what the condition of society is today.

To clearly grasp the extent to which our culture and infatuation with filters has infiltrated our even most basic logical reasoning is difficult. The media tempts us with this perfect fantasy that seems so tangible that you can almost touch it, but then suddenly jerks away with a sly smile that seems to say, “You can do better, be prettier, be skinnier, be more ‘perfect’.” It’s a shame about how we talk about beauty in what we often see in terms of the physical – that which meets the eye.

There is beautiful or ugly. Fat or skinny. Good or bad. Slutty or prudish. Smart or ditzy. Sweet or bitchy. We are trapped in the either/or’s and caught up in the race to conform to a standard that ignores the beauty of individuality.

Who is to say that freckles, moles, stretch marks, body fat, body hair, no make-up - predominately what makes you human - isn’t beautiful? It is a waste to climb up the ladder of being physically beautiful just to worry about your wrinkles, your grey hair, your body shape, when it’s a part of everyone’s lifetime.

Since when did we lose sight that beauty is more than skip deep? If our standard of beauty has become a face that is so far from my own, then I have come to terms that I never want to be that kind of beauty. Why are all these so called insecurities worried about all the time?

Listen, although there is a dictionary definition of beauty, beauty has no real definition because it is redefined everyday. It’s a matter of perception in different ways.

Let me tell you how I perceive beauty: Beauty is something that doesn’t have to do with our appearance. At the end of the day, it isn’t anyone’s responsibility to make you feel beautiful except our own. Despite what society and culture says and does, I believe beauty comes down to believing that the whole is greater than the sum of its parts; that you – all of you – is much greater than any imperfections that you may have. And that’s something beautiful that we can all work on.

Imagine if you were blind, what would beauty mean to you then? Beauty would mean that we solely base things on hearing, touching, feeling, and scent. The sounds we hear when the birds chirp in the morning. The touch of holding someone’s hand. The feeling of the cold breeze brushing against your face. The scent of freshly baked chocolate chip cookies.

Beauty in someone blind is in essence, all beautiful because he or she is true to oneself. It is the beauty in your character – how you make people feel and how others make you feel. It is in your energy, your laughter, your intelligence, your faith, your confidence, your optimism, and your happiness.

When it feels as if I’m in the right place, doing the right things, inspiring myself and others, I automatically feel beautiful because it comes from within. If I radiate warmth, humility, and love, then I know I am beautiful. The experience I get from finding serenity and peace in living and feeling happy about the simple things such as being alive is what I imagine while being blind and also what I envision as true beauty.

Ultimately, your eyes are useless if your mind is blind because your mind should be aware that beauty means accepting yourself. There should never be a moment in time where you should ever be ashamed to show the world just how flawless you are underneath it all.

Beauty is learning to embrace how the outside realm of boundaries opens up possibilities for the beauty that is all around us — even when we can’t see it — in each breath, each season, each tomorrow, and that is so inherently beautiful. You don’t want to be beautiful like him or her. Be beautiful like you because no matter what you do, someone will find that beauty in you.

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