BestSongToHaveSexTo Twitter Trend


The hashtag #BestSongToHaveSexTo trended on Twitter Tuesday, which got us thinking about what people like to listen to in the bedroom.

Experts are divided on the issue. According to Marie Claire, sex therapist Dr. Ruth is firmly against listening to music during sex. "I want everyone to concentrate," she said. "It permits fantasies to develop if you don't have background music."

That hasn't stopped many people from adding a soundtrack to their sex lives.

On Twitter, users chimed in suggesting with everything from Beyonce

#SongToHaveSexTo beyonce dance for you

— Emily (@PinkEmmy5155) April 3, 2013

to Blink-182

In 2012, music psychologist Daniel Müllensiefen interviewed over 2,000 people aged 18 to 91 to see what they liked to listen to during sex. USA Today published his list of the top 20 songs people listen to during sex -- unsurprisingly, Marvin Gaye's "Let's Get It On" tops the list.

So, what tracks do you play during sex, if any? Tweet us @HuffPostWomen using #BestSongToHaveSexTo, and we'll publish your responses in a slideshow.

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